
Home > Department of Physics


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Department Overview

Head of Department:  Prof. Anil Kumar Malik

The Physics Department of the Chaudhary Charan Singh University Meerut was established in 1969. The department has the distinction of starting of M. Phil programme in semester system in the country and subsequently started to offer 4-semesters (2-years) M. Sc. (Physics) programme with the specialization in Electronics and Ph. D. programme. Currently, Department offers M. Sc. (Physics) programme with the four specializations (Electronics, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Optoelectronics and Advanced Solid State Physics). There are  33 seats in M. Sc.  programme and 20 seats in B. Sc. (NEP) programme. There are more than 30 students doing Ph. D. under different scholarship programs.

The Department  is facilitated with DST-FIST sponsored and an active workplace of research being carried out in a wide variety of frontier areas as well as high quality post-graduate and doctoral programs. The research programs of the Department cover a number of areas such as Materials Science, Renewable Energy (Solar Cells and Hydrogen production), Photonics and Meta-materials (THz generation radiation), MEMS (Fabrication of Devices), Nanostructured materials, Hydrogen storage and Gas sensors, Superconductors, Biomaterials and Bio-/Chemo-Sensors, Energy storage devices (Supercapacitors and Batteries), Photocatalysis, antimicrobial, waste water treatment.

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Programme/ Courses

The department is currently offering the following programmes of study:

M.Sc. (CBCS) with Specialization in Electronics

M.Sc. (CBCS) with Specialization in Electronics
About Programme:

2 years( 4 semesters) course

Number of Seats:


Eligibility Conditions:

B.Sc.(NEP) Physics

B.Sc.(NEP) Physics
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

Ph.D. (Physics)

Ph.D. (Physics)
About Programme:

Research work supervised in Solid State Physics, Thin film Studies, Liquid Crystal

Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

Pre-Ph.D. coursework (Physics)

Pre-Ph.D. coursework (Physics)
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

M.Sc. Physics

M.Sc. Physics
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:


Head & Professor

Prof. Anil Kumar Malik

M.Sc., Ph.D.

View Profile


Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma

M.Sc., Ph.D.

View Profile

Prof. Beer Pal Singh

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

View Profile

Dr. Anuj Kumar

M.Sc., Ph.D.

View Profile

Associate Professor

Dr. Neeraj Panwar

M.Sc., Ph.D

View Profile

Assistant Professor

Dr. Yogendra Kumar Gautam

M.Sc., M. Tech., Ph.D.

View Profile

Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav

M.Sc., Ph.D.

View Profile

Dr. Vivek Kumar Nautiyal

M.Sc., M.Tech, Ph.D.

View Profile

Dr. Kavita Sharma

M.Sc., Ph.D.

View Profile


Programme Name Download New/ Revised Syllabus
B.Sc. Physics (For First Three Years of Under-Graduate (UG) Programme)
B.Sc. Under NEP
M.Sc. Physics
M.Sc. Physics (Revised Syllabus)
Physics Honours & Honours with Research 2024-25
Pre-Ph.D. coursework (Physics)


No data available.


Graduated students from the Department are placed at esteemed institutes in India (CSIR-Labs, IITs, TFIR, BARC, State and Central Universities) for higher education and in abroad under prestigious fellowships such as MEXT-Japan, Italy, USA, Korea and so on.

A large number of graduated students from the Department  have found employment in various educational institutions, industries, telecom sectors and other government  sectors. 

Mostly Ph. D. scholars are getting the scholarship from different funding agencies (UGC, CSIR, DST, ICMR, UP-CST under Centre of Excellence, and University fellowship program).

Some of Ph. D Scholars are directly awarded SRF from CSIR, WOS-A from DST and so on.

More than 100 students have cleared NET/GATE examination during recent years.

Research & Publications


S.No. Author Name Title Name of Journal Month Year of Publication
1 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Spoof surface plasmon-based terahertz metasensor for glucose and ethanol Applied Phys. A 2022-08-30
2 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Dissipative Tunneling of Electrons in Vertically Coupled Double Asymmetric InAs/Gaas(001) Quantum Dots Technical Physics 2022-05-29
3 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Ultra-efficient terahertz metamaterial sensor Results in Optics 2022-04-12
4 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Optimized window to produce ultra-intense and ultra-compressed laser pulses by Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Optik 2021-11-01
5 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Optimization of structural and optical properties of sputter deposited TiO2 thin films by controlling deposition parameters Indian J. Chem. Tech 2021-11-01
6 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Terahertz radiation by frequency mixing of Hermite cosh Gaussian laser beams in density modulated cold magnetized plasma IEEE Trans. On Plasm. Sci. 2021-08-31
7 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Differential rotation of the solar transition region from STEREO/EUVI 30.4-nm images Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2021-08-09
8 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Terahertz wave generation by photo mixing of radially polarized hollow sinh super-Gaussian lasers in hot plasma Euro Physics Letters 2021-06-01
9 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Experimental Investigation of Co and Fe-Doped CuO Nanostructured Electrode Material for Remarkable Electrochemical Performance Ceramics International 2021-01-15
10 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Features of Two-Dimensional Bifurcations during Dissipative Electron Tunneling in Arrayes of Au Nanoparticles Theor. Math. Phys 2020-11-18
11 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Investigation of effect of electron temperature on intensity and efficiency of terahertz generated by laser beating in inhomogeneous plasma Physica Scripta 2020-11-01
12 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Features of two-dimensional bifurcations in the case of dissipative tunneling of electrons in arrays of Au nanoparticles Technical Physics 2020-11-01
13 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Radially polarized terahertz (THz) generation by frequency difference of Hermite Cosh Gaussian lasers in hot electron-collisional plasma Optics and Lasers in Engineering 2020-11-01
14 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Evidence of strong relationship between hemispheric asymmetry in solar coronal rotation and solar activity during solar cycle 24 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2020-09-20
15 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Limitations of paraxial approximation to model electron acceleration by a laser pulse in vacuum in the presence of an axial magnetic field Plasma Research Express 2020-09-18
16 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Energy enhancement of accelerated electrons using sharply chirped profile laser pulse in vacuum Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2020-07-31
17 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Effect of laser polarization and target location on acceleration of electrons generated during ionization of gases by a laser pulse AIP Advances 2020-06-19
18 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Bright multifocal terahertz (THz) radiation generation Asian Journal of Physics 2020-06-01
19 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Electrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide based on nano γ-Fe2O3 modified glassy carbon electrode Applied Innovative Research 2020-06-01
20 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Bright terahertz (THz) generation by frequency mixing of dichromatic lasers in inhomogeneous cold plasma: Scaling of THz field Physics of Plasmas 2020-06-01
21 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Efficient terahertz (THz) generation by nonlinear mixing of bicolor top-hat lasers in hot plasma Physics of Plasmas 2020-02-13
22 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik On the variation of solar coronal rotation using SDO/AIA observations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2020-02-08
23 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Modeling of intense terahertz wave generation with controlled field distribution Physics of Plasmas 2019-07-29
24 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik A comparative analysis of the observed effects of 2D tunneling bifurcations for quasi-one-dimensional and quasi-two-dimensional Au–QD systems in an external electric field Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics 2018-12-23
25 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Electron energy enhancement by frequency chirp of a radially polarized laser pulse during ionization of low-density gases Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2016-10-03
26 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Quasimonoenergic collimated electrons from the ionization of low-density gases by a chirped intense Gaussian laser pulse Physics of Plasmas 2016-09-16
27 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Green Route Synthesis of High Quality CdSe Quantum Dots J. Pur. Appl. Sci. Tech 2016-01-01
28 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Green Synthesis of High Quality CdSe Quantum Dots: High Luminescence in Green to Red Region Asian J. Mat. Chem 2016-01-01
29 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Effect of initial phase on error in electron energy obtained using paraxial approximation for a focused laser pulse in vacuum Journal of Applied Physics 2015-09-10
30 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Acceleration of electrons generated during ionization of low-density gases by seventh order correction fields of a focused laser pulse Physics of Plasmas 2015-08-07
31 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik High intensity terahertz generation by nonlinear frequency-mixing of lasers in plasma with DC magnetic field Laser and Particle Beams 2015-05-13
32 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Highly focused and efficient terahertz radiation generation by photo-mixing of lasers in plasma in the presence of magnetic field Physics of Plasmas 2014-07-21
33 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Tuning and focusing of Terahertz Radiation by DC Magnetic Field in a Laser Beating Process IEEE J. of Quantum electronics 2013-01-04
34 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Strong and Collimated THz Radiation by Super-Gaussian Lasers Euro Physics Letter 2012-11-28
35 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik THz Radiation Generation by Beating of two spatial-Gaussian Lasers in the Presence of Static Magnetic Field Physical Review E 2012-01-11
36 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Tunable and Collimated Terahertz Radiation Generation by Femtosecond Laser Pulses Applied Physics Letters 2011-12-19
37 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Strong Terahertz Radiation by Beating of Spatial-triangular Lasers in a Plasma Applied Physics Letters 2011-08-17
38 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Terahertz Radiation Generation by Beating of Two Spatial Gaussian Lasers Physics Letters A 2011-02-21
39 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Investigations on THz Radiation Generated by Two Superposed Femtosecond Laser Pulses Journal of Applied Physics 2010-06-03
40 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Estimation of optical parameters in tin oxide thin films by UV exposure for photonic applications Journal of optoelectronics and advanced Materials 2020-07-10
41 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Vertically aligned few-layered graphene based non-cryogenic bolometer MDPI C Journal 2019-05-24
42 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Antibacterial activity, thermal stability and ab-initio study of copolymer containing sulfobetaine and carboxybetaine groups Materials Research Express 2017-09-14
43 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav ARPES study on Bi2Se3 and BiSbTe1.25Se1.75 AIP Con. Pro. 2017-07-11
44 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Emergence of a weak topological insulator from the BixSey family and the observation of weak anti-localization Applied Physics Letters 2017-04-18
45 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Pulsed laser deposition of highly oriented stoichiometric thin films of topological insulator Sb2Te3 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2016-03-11
46 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Effect of nominal substitution of transition metals for excess Fe in Fe1+xSe superconductor Solid State Communications 2015-11-08
47 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Growth and angular dependent resistivity of Nb2Pd0.73S5.7 in superconducting single crystal fibers Materials Chemistry and Physics 2015-08-05
48 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Anisotropic Superconducting Properties of FeSe0.5Te0.5 Single crystals 1665 2015-05-01
49 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Improvement of superconducting properties in Fe1+xSe0.5Te0.5 superconductor by Cr-substitution Solid State Communications 2015-01-04
50 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Electrical Transport properties of polycrystalline CVD grapheme on SiO2/Si Substrate Diamond and Related Materials 2014-03-10
51 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Growth, Characterization, Vortex pinning and Vortex Flow of Single Crystals of Iron Chalcogenide FeCr0.02Se Physical Review B 2013-05-07
52 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Effect of off-stoichiometry at the Fe-site in FeSe0.5Te0.5 superconductor Physics Procedia 2013-03-26
53 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Single Crystals of Iron Chalcogenide Superconductor FeCr0.02Se: Growth, Characterization and Vortex Pinning Properties AIP Con. Pro. 2013-03-01
54 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Vortex Pinning Mechanism in Single Crystal of Iron Arsenide Superconductor SrFe1.7Co0.3As2 AIP Con. Pro. 2013-03-01
55 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Role of excess Cr at Fe site in FeCrxSe and FeCrSe0.5Te0.5 AIP Con. Pro. 2012-03-08
56 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Pinning Mechanism in Iron Chalcogenide Superconductor FeSe0.5Te0.5 AIP Con. Pro 2012-03-02
57 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Magnetization hysteresis and time decay measurements in FeSe0.5Te0.5 : Evidence for fluctuation in mean free path induced pinning Physical Review B 2011-12-01
58 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Enhanced superconducting properties in FeCrxSe Solid State Communications 2011-01-10
59 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Observation of the Fishtail Effect and magnetic relaxation measurements in a Single Crystal of the superconductor FeSe0.5Te0.5 SSPS Con. Pro. 2009-12-07
60 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Growth of high quality single crystals of Bi2Se3 topological insulator via solid state reaction method AIP Con. Pro. -
61 Dr. Anuj Kumar Analysis of Structure-Property Relationship for an Anthelmintic Drug, Mebendazole Nitrate Salt, using Density Functional Theory Approach", Politeknik Dergisi Journal of politeknik. 2021-12-31
62 Dr. Anuj Kumar Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on Structural, Spectroscopic, Electronic, and Nonlinear Optical Behaviour of N'-[(E)-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl) methylidene]biphenyl-4-carbohydrazide Crystal ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 2021-07-09
63 Dr. Anuj Kumar Nanocomposite polymer gel with dispersed alumina as an efficient electrolyte for application in supercapacitors Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 2021-05-01
64 Dr. Anuj Kumar Structural, spectroscopic, electronic, and nonlinear optical behavior investigations of conjugated organic nonlinear optical chalcone derivative 3-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-1-(pyridine-2-yl)prop2-en-1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2021-01-15
65 Dr. Anuj Kumar Sol gel synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles and their application as nano-composite electrode material for supercapacitor Journal of Molecular Structure 2020-11-15
66 Dr. Anuj Kumar Preparation of Polyvinyldinefloroide co-hexafloropropylene based Polymer Gel Electrolyte and its performance evaluation for application in EDLCs Bulletin of Materials Science 2019-01-30
67 Dr. Anuj Kumar Electrochemical studies of EDLC Cells fabricated using drum stick (DS) activated charcoal Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018-05-05
68 Dr. Anuj Kumar Zinc oxide nanofiller-based compositepolymer gel electrolyte for application in EDLCs Ionics 2018-03-04
69 Dr. Anuj Kumar Synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide nanoparticles and activated charcoal based nanocomposite for supercapacitor electrode application J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 2018-01-29
70 Dr. Anuj Kumar ZnO Nanoparticles-Activated Charcoal Nanocomposite Electrodes for Supercapacitor Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 2018-01-07
71 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Experimental and theoretical investigations on fullerene (C60) induced compact CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite thin films Physica Scripta 2022-06-09
72 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Recent developments in transition metal-based nanomaterials for supercapacitor applications Journal of Materials Research 2022-06-02
73 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Structural, optical and antimicrobial properties of pure and Ag-doped ZnO nanostructures Journal of Semiconductor 2022-03-22
74 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Room temperature Photoluminescence and spectroscopic ellipsometry of reactive co-sputtered Cu-doped ZnO thin films optik 2022-03-08
75 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Enhancement in the sensitivity and selectivity of Cu functionalized MoS2 nanoworm thin films for nitrogen dioxide gas sensor Materials Research Bulletin 2022-02-08
76 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Metal oxide nanomaterial-based sensors for monitoring environmental NO2 and its impact on the plant ecosystem: a review RSC- Sensors & Diagnostics 2021-12-11
77 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Optimization of structural and optical properties of sputter deposited TiO2 thin films by controlling deposition parameters Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 2021-11-01
78 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Terahertz Radiation by frequency mixing of Hermite cosh Gaussian laser beams in density modulated cold magnetized plasma IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2021-08-31
79 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Photocatalytic performance of yttrium-doped CNT-ZnO nanoflowers synthesized from hydrothermal method Materials Today Chemistry 2021-06-17
80 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Surface modification of cathode materials for energy storage devices:A review Surface and Coatings Technology 2021-04-25
81 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Nanostructured metal oxide semiconductor-based sensors for greenhouse gas detection: progress and challenges Royal Society Open Science 2021-03-10
82 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Experimental investigation of Co and Fe-Doped CuO nanostructured electrode material for remarkable electrochemical performance Ceramics International 2021-01-15
83 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Effect of CNT on the growth and agglomeration of TiO2 nanoparticles Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2020-11-20
84 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Sputter-Grown Pd-Capped CuO Thin Films for a Highly Sensitive and Selective Hydrogen Gas Sensor, Journal of Electronic Materials 2020-11-10
85 Dr. Beer Pal Singh CNT facilitated interfacial charge transfer of TiO2nanocomposite for controlling the electron-hole recombination Solid State Sciences 2020-11-10
86 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Defects induced photoluminescence and ellipsometric measurements ofreactive sputtered growth MoS2 nanoworms Optical Materials 2020-11-10
87 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Investigation of effect of electron temperature on intensity and efficiency of terahertz generated by laser beating in inhomogeneous plasma Physica Scripta 2020-10-14
88 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Enhancement of photosensitivity of thermally evaporated crystalline PbS thin films by low energy oxygen ions implantation Nano Express 2020-09-28
89 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Quantitative analysis of Fe/Co co-doped ZnO by Rietveld method Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (IJPAP) 2020-09-10
90 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Electrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide based on nano Ƴ-Fe2O3 modified glassy carbon electrode Applied Innovative Research 2020-06-12
91 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Bright terahertz (THz) generation by frequency mixing of dichromatic lasers in inhomogeneous cold plasma: Scaling of THz field Physics of Plasmas 2020-06-01
92 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Effect of Co and Mn doping on the morphological, optical and magnetic properties of CuO nanostructures Solid State Sciences 2020-05-21
93 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Structural, optical and thermoelectric properties of Al-doped ZnOthin films prepared by spray pyrolysis Surfaces and Interfaces 2020-03-05
94 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Effect of growth temperature and RF power on structural and optical properties of sputtered deposited PbS thin films Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2019-10-28
95 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Bacterial Compatibility/Toxicity of Biogenic Silica (b-SiO2) Nanoparticles Synthesized from Biomass Rice Husk Ash Nanomaterials 2019 2019-10-11
96 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Large area vertical aligned MoS2 layers toward the application of thin film transistor Materials Letters 2019-09-01
97 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Substitution of Al3+ to Zn2+ sites of ZnO enhanced the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue under irradiation of visible light Solid State Sciences 2019-08-07
98 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Modeling of intense terahertz wave generation with controlled field distribution Physics of Plasmas 2019-07-29
99 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Hydrogen induced resistance and optical transmittance of pulsed laser deposited Pd/Mg thin films Applied Innovative Research 2019-06-12
100 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Template free synthesis of PbS nanoparticles by sol-gel facile method under IR radiation at room temperature Applied Innovative Research 2019-06-02
101 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Magnetron-sputtered high performance Y-doped ZnO thin film transistors fabricated at room temperature Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2017-11-28
102 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Synthesis, characterization, and electrocatalytic ability of - Fe2O3 nanoparticles for sensing acetaminophen Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2017-08-15
103 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Vacuum thermal deposition of crystalline, uniform and stoichiometric CdS thin films in ambient H2S atmosphere Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2017-05-04
104 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Study the effect of substrate on thermally evaporated PbS thin film Journal of Materials Science & Surface Engineering 2017-01-23
105 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Vacuum deposition of sulfide semiconductors films in sulfurizing environment by modified evaporation technique Advanced Science Letter 2016-11-11
106 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Synthesis, characterization, and electrochemical response of iron oxide nanoparticles for sensing acetaminophen Materials Research Express 2016-10-19
107 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Infrared radiation assisted Stokes' law based synthesis and optical characterization of ZnS nanoparticles Advances in Optical Technologies 2016-02-21
108 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Vacuum deposition of stoichiometric crystalline PbS films: The effect of sulfurizing environment during deposition Materials Research Express 2015-10-05
109 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Simple hydrolysis synthesis of uniform rice-shaped 𝛽-FeOOHnanocrystals and their transformation to 𝛼-Fe2O3 microspheres Indian Journal of Materials Science 2015-06-15
110 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Effect of substrate on physical properties of pulse laser deposited ZnO thin films Journal of Intense Pulsed Lasers and Applications in Advanced Physics 2014-05-26
111 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Effect of annealing on properties of transparent conducting tin oxide films deposited by thermal evaporation Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2013-09-17
112 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Vacuum deposition of stoichiometric thin films of II-VI sulphide semiconductors Physics Procedia 2012-12-21
113 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Synthesis and optical properties of aggregated nanospheres of ZnS nanoparticles Journal of Optoelectronics and Biomedical Materials 2012-05-11
114 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Fabrication and characterization of magnetron sputtered arsenic doped p-type ZnO epitaxial thin films Applied SurfaceScience 2010-09-01
115 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Induction of p-type conduction in sputtered deposited Al-N codopedZnO thin films Optics Communications 2010-05-28
116 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Effect of ambient hydrogen sulfide on the physical properties of vacuum evaporated thin films of zinc sulfide Applied Surface Science 2008-02-01
117 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Development of metallic ion beams using ECRIS Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics B 2006-11-02
118 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Development Zn and EU Beams by Plasma Sputtering Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics B 2006-05-02
119 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Characterization of CdSexTe1-x sintered films for photovoltaic applications Physica B: Condensed Matter Physics 2005-06-07
120 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Optical, electrical and structural investigations on Cd1-xZnxSe sintered films for photovoltaic applications Solar energy Materials & Solar Cells 2003-03-31
121 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Optical, electrical and structural investigations on Cd1-xZnxSe sintered films for photovoltaic applications Solar energy Materials & Solar Cells 2003-01-01
122 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Effect of ambient hydrogen sulphide on the optical properties of evaporated cadmium sulphide films Optical Materials 2002-10-10
123 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Effect of ambient H2S atmosphere on the optical, structural and electrical properties of vacuum deposited thin films of cadmium sulphide Indian Journal of Engineering & MaterialsSciences 2002-04-01
124 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Effect of low ambient H2S atmosphere on optical and electrical properties of ZnS thin films SPIE Proceedings series (Eleventh International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices, SSPL, Delhi) 2002-01-07
125 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Band gap of vacuum evaporated CdS thin films Indian Journal of Engineering & MaterialsSciences 2000-04-07
126 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Sputter deposited crystalline V2O5, WO3 and WO3/V2O5 multi-layers for optical and electrochemical applications Applied Surface Science -
127 Dr. Kavita Sharma Detection of Nitrogen di-oxide as air pollutant using nanostructured metal oxide based sensors for plant ecosystem: A review Royal Society of Chemistry 2022-01-15
128 Dr. Kavita Sharma Metal oxide semiconductor nanostructures based greenhouse gas sensors; progress and CHALLENGES Royal Society of Chemistry 2020-12-15
129 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Biogenic silicate glass-ceramics: physical, dielectric, and electrical properties Bioresource Technology Reports 2022-09-08
130 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Progress in Electrode and Electrolyte Materials: Path to All-solid-state Li Ion Batteries Energy Advances 2022-06-20
131 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Synthesis of silica and carbon-based nanomaterials from rice husk ash by ambient fiery and furnace sweltering using a chemical method Applied Surface Science Advances 2022-04-01
132 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Defect emission photoluminescence peak tuning by encapsulation of Au-NPs on ZnO mesoporous nanosponges Journal of Luminescence 2022-04-01
133 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Effect of RF Power on Physical and Electrical Properties of Al-doped ZnO Thin Films Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics 2022-03-16
134 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Microstructural, optical, dielectric, and electrical properties of calcium silicate (Ca2SiO4) glasses synthesized from Biomass wastes by Melt-quench method Materials Today Sustainability 2022-01-01
135 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma CNT facilitated interfacial charge transfer of TiO2 nanospheres for controlling the electron-hole recombination Solid State Sciences 2021-12-01
136 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Chalcogen-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles for photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B under the irradiation of ultraviolet light Materials Today Chemistry 2021-06-01
137 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Photocatalytic performance of Yttrium doped CNT-ZnO nanoflowers synthesized from hydrothermal method Materials Today Chemistry 2021-06-01
138 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Effect of CNTs on the growth and agglomeration of TiO2 nanoparticles Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2020-11-01
139 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Enhancement of photosensitivity of thermally evaporated crystalline PbS thin films by low energy oxygen ions implantation Nano Express 2020-09-28
140 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Carrier mechanism of ZnO nanoparticles-embedded PMMA nanocomposite organic bistable memory device Solid State Sciences 2020-01-01
141 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Bacterial Compatibility/Toxicity of Biogenic Silica (b-SiO2) Nanoparticles Synthesized from Biomass Rice Husk Ash Nanomaterials 2019-10-11
142 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Effect of growth temperature and RF power on structural and optical properties of sputtered deposited PbS thin films Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 2019-10-01
143 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Substitution of Al3+ to Zn2+ sites of ZnO enhanced the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue under irradiation of visible light Solid State Sciences 2019-08-01
144 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Template free synthesis of PbS nanoparticles by sol-gel facile method under IR radiation at room temperature Applied Innovative Research 2019-06-01
145 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Dimension Tolerances in Fabrication of Polymer Microfluidic Devices Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science 2018-04-01
146 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Synthesis and characterization of hybrid Ag-ZnO nanocomposite for the application of sensor selectivity Current Applied Physics 2018-04-01
147 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Fabrication of the heterojunction diode from Y-doped ZnO thin films on p-Si substrates by sol-gel method Solid State Communications 2018-02-01
148 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Electronic Conduction in Annealed Sulfur-Doped a-Si:H Films Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics 2018-01-01
149 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Growth, microstructure, structural and optical properties of PVP-capped CdS nanoflowers for efficient photocatalytic activity of Rhodamine B Materials Research Bulletin 2017-10-01
150 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Visible light induced photocatalytic degradation of Methylene blue and Rhodamine B from the catalyst of CdS nanowire Chemical Physics Letters 2017-09-16
151 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Thickness dependent structural and dielectric properties of calcium copper titanate thin films produced by spin-coating method for microelectronic devices Journal of Electronic Materials 2017-07-01
152 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Fabrication of the flexible nanogenerator from BTO nanopowders on graphene coated PMMA substrates by sol-gel method Materials Chemistry and Physics 2017-05-01
153 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Surfactant free synthesis of CdS nanospheres, microstructural analysis, chemical bonding, optical properties and photocatalytic activities Superlattices and Microstructures 2017-04-01
154 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Microstructure, structural, optical and piezoelectric properties of BiFeO3 nanopowder synthesized from sol-gel Current Applied Physics 2017-03-03
155 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Photocatalytic properties of Mn-doped NiO spherical nanoparticles synthesized from sol-gel method Optik 2016-11-22
156 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Synthesis of bismuth titanate (BTO) nanopowder and fabrication of microstrip rectangular patch antenna Applied Physics A 2016-11-09
157 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Highly transparent and lower resistivity of yttrium doped ZnO thin films grown on quartz glass by sol-gel method Physica B: Condensed Matter 2016-11-01
158 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Salen decorated nanostructured ZnO chemosensor for the detection of mercuric ions (Hg2+) Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2016-09-01
159 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Ferroelectric Polarization-induced Memristive Hysteresis Behaviors in Ti- and Mn-codoped ZnO Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2016-04-12
160 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Bio-generated mesoporous SiO2 nanoparticles synthesized from sticky, red and brown rice husk ash by chemical method Ceramics International, 2016-03-04
161 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Stress relaxation and transitions in optical bandgap of yttrium doped zinc oxide (YZO) thin films Current Applied Physics 2016-03-01
162 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous SiO2 nanoparticles synthesized from Biogenic Rice Husk Ash for optoelectronic applications An International Journal of Engineering Sciences 2016-02-01
163 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma ZnO decorated with organic nanoparticles based sensor for ratiometric selective determination of mercury ions New Journal of Chemistry 2016-02-01
164 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Microstructural and optical properties of yttrium-doped zinc oxide (YZO) nanobolts synthesized by hydrothermal Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2016-01-01
165 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Dependence of the magnetic properties on the Cr content in ZnCrO thin films Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2015-11-29
166 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Effect of additions of TiC and Re on high temperature corrosion performance of cold sprayed Ni–20Cr coatings Surface and Coatings Technology 2015-10-25
167 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Synthesis of Imine-Bearing ZnO Nanoparticle Thin Films and Characterization of Their Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2015-10-01
168 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Design, Simulation, Fabrication, Packaging and Testing of AlGaAs/GaAs Gunn Diode at 94 GHz Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2015-09-04
169 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Diameter and density controlled growth of yttrium functionalized zinc oxide (YZO) nanorod arrays by hydrothermal Current Applied Physics 2015-09-02
170 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Y-doped Zinc Oxide (YZO) Nanoflowers, Microstructural Analysis and Test their Antibacterial Activity Materials Science and Engineering C 2015-08-01
171 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Electrochemical sensitive determination of nano molar Guanine from ZnO nanorods coated on platinum electrode Electroanalysis 2015-07-14
172 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Study of mechanical properties and high temperature oxidation behavior of a novel cold-spray Ni-20Cr coating on boiler Applied Surface Science 2015-02-15
173 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Influence of growth temperature and post-annealing on an n-ZnO/p-GaN heterojunction diode Current Applied Physics 2014-12-12
174 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Mole-controlled growth of Y-doped ZnO nanostructures by hydrothermal method Current Applied Physics 2014-11-11
175 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Effects of Y Contents on Surface, Structural, Optical, and Electrical Properties for Y-doped ZnO Thin Films Thin Solid Films 2014-05-02
176 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma A review on Se- and S-doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics 2014-05-01
177 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Microstructural, Optical, and Electrochemical Properties of Nanostructured Al Thin Films Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2014-03-25
178 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Effect of annealing on the growth and the microstructure of thermally-grown oxides on foils of alloy 617 Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2013-11-23
179 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Abnormal residual stress in nanostructured Al thin films grown on Ti/glass substrates Current Applied Physics 2013-11-09
180 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Highly stable blue-emission in semipolar (11-22) InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well light-emitting diode Applied Physics Letters 2013-07-10
181 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Improvement in the electrical properties of Se- and S-doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films by annealing Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2013-05-23
182 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Al nanorod thin films as anode electrode for Li ion rechargeable batteries Electrochimica Acta 2013-01-01
183 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Morphology and structural properties of nanocrystalline and nanocolumnar aluminum thin films grown on glass and Ti/glass substrates Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2012-05-27
184 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Optical properties of Se or S-doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films with annealing temperature and dopant concentration Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2011-02-17
185 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Morphology dependent dye-sensitized solar cell properties of nanocrystalline zinc oxide thin films Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2011-02-03
186 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Strengthening effect of Cr2O3 thermally grown on Alloy 617 foils at high temperature Journal of Nuclear Materials 2010-10-15
187 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Zinc Oxide Nanocrystalline Thin Films by Novel Double Pulse Single Step Electrodeposition Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2010-04-09
188 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Effect of illumination on hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films doped with chalcogens Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 2009-09-01
189 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Effects of thermo-mechanical processing on microstructure and creep properties of the foils of alloy 617 Journal of Nuclear Materials 2009-06-01
190 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma High temperature creep and tensile properties of alumina formed on fecralloy foils doped with yttrium Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2009-02-03
191 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Oxidation and Creep failure of alloy 617 foil at high temperature Journal of Nuclear Materials 2008-07-31
192 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Creep deformation and microstructure of alloy 617 foils at high temperature Advanced Materials Research 2007-10-01
193 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Meyer-Neldel Rule in Se and S-doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon Solid State Electronics 2007-08-08
194 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Photoconductivity of Selenium and Sulphur Doped a-Si:H thin Films Turkish Journal of Physics 2005-07-01
195 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma The study of thermal equilibration of Selenium- and Sulfur-doped a-Si:H International Journal of Electronics 2003-08-13
196 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Dependence of electrical conductivity on selenium and sulphur doping in a-Si:H Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics 2003-06-01
197 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma The dependence of optical constants on Selenium- and Sulfur-doping in a-Si:H physica status solidi 2002-10-25
198 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Free standing Al nanorod thin films for energy storage devices Journal of Natural & Physical Sciences -
199 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma InP Gunn diodes with shallow-barrier Schottky contacts IEICE Technical Report Electron. Devices -
200 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Annealing effect on microstructure, hardness and creep properties of the foils of alloy 617 KSME -
201 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Surface functionalized Silver-doped ZnO Nanocatalyst: A sustainable cooperative catalytic, photocatalytic and antibacterial platform for waste treatment RSC Nanoscale Advances 2022-12-28
202 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Enhancement in the sensitivity and selectivity of Cu functionalized MoS2 nanoworm thin films for nitrogen dioxide gas sensor Materials Research Bulletin 2022-06-01
203 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam A Review on Recent Advancements in Rare-Earth based Double Perovskite Compounds Research & Reviews: Journal of Pure and Applied Physics 2022-04-15
204 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Room temperature Photoluminescence and spectroscopic ellipsometry of reactive co-sputtered Cu-doped ZnO thin films Optik 2022-03-10
205 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Applications of green nanomaterials in coatings Green Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications 2022-01-01
206 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Structural, optical and antimicrobial properties of pure and Ag-doped ZnO nanostructures Journal of Semiconductors 2022-01-01
207 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Metal Oxide Nanomaterials based sensors for monitoring environmental NO2 and its impact on plant ecosystem: A Review Sensors & Diagnostics 2021-12-08
208 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Nanostructured metal oxide semiconductor-based sensors for greenhouse gas detection: Progress and challenges Royal Society open science 2021-03-10
209 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Experimental investigation of Co and Fe-Doped CuO nanostructured electrode material for remarkable electrochemical performance Ceramics International 2021-01-15
210 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Sputter deposited crystalline V2O5, WO3 and WO3/V2O5 multi-layers for optical and electrochemical applications Applied Surface Science 2021-01-15
211 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Study of optoelectronic and thermoelectric spectra of Tl (Nd/Gd) S 2 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2021-01-03
212 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Influence of SiC thin films thickness on the electrical properties of Pd/SiC thin films for hydrogen gas sensor Vacuum 2020-12-01
213 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Sputter-Grown Pd-Capped CuO Thin Films for a Highly Sensitive and Selective Hydrogen Gas Sensor Journal of Electronic Materials 2020-11-10
214 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Electrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide based on nano γ-Fe2O3 modified glassy carbon electrode Applied Innovative Research (AIR) 2020-10-19
215 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Effect of Co and Mn doping on the morphological, optical and magnetic properties of CuO nanostructures Solid State Sciences 2020-08-01
216 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Structural, optical and thermoelectric properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis Surfaces and Interfaces 2020-06-01
217 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Facile green synthesis and applications of silver nanoparticles: a state-of-the-art review RSC Advances 2019-10-29
218 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Effect of sputtering process parameters on structural and optical properties of CdS thin films Materials Research Express 2019-09-20
219 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Hydrogen induced resistance and optical transmittance of pulsed laser deposited Pd/Mg thin films NISCAIR-CSIR, India 2019-06-01
220 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam A room temperature hydrogen sensor based on Pd–Mg alloy and multilayers prepared by magnetron sputtering international journal of hydrogen energy 2015-12-07
221 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Fast and reversible hydrogen sensing properties of Pd/Mg thin film modified by hydrophobic porous silicon substrate Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2015-07-05
222 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Fast and reversible hydrogen sensing properties of Pd/Mg thin film modified by hydrophobic porous silicon substrate Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2015-07-05
223 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Structural and thermal properties of nanocrystalline CuO synthesized by reactive magnetron sputtering AIP Conference Proceedings 2014-01-28
224 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Study on structural, optical and wettable properties of CeO2 thin films deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputtering AIP Conference Proceedings 2014-01-28
225 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Thickness dependent structural, optical and electrical properties of CuIn {sub 0.8} Ga {sub 0.2} Se {sub 2} thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition AIP Conference Proceedings 2014-01-28
226 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of Pd/Mg/Pd tri-layers prepared by magnetron sputtering Surface and Coatings Technology 2013-12-25
227 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam A study on structural, optical and hydrophobic properties of oblique angle sputter deposited HfO2 films Applied surface science 2013-10-15
228 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Effect of Working Pressure on Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of CIGS Thin Film Deposited by PLD Advanced Materials Research 2013-09-01
229 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Studies on hydrogen sensing properties of nanostructured Pd and Pd/Mg thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013-01-01
230 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam A comprehensive study of structural and magnetic properties of sputter deposited nickel–silica thin films Materials Science and Engineering: B 2012-08-01
231 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Hydrogen absorption and optical properties of Pd/Mg thin films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012-02-01
232 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Hydrogenation of Pd-capped Mg thin films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering Journal of Applied Surface Science 2011-05-01
233 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Influence of sputtering gas on morphological and optical properties of magnesium films Journal of Materials science and Technology 2011-01-01


S.No. Name Publication Title Publisher Year of Publication
1 Dr. Anil Kumar Malik Book Authored High Intensity Terahertz Radiation and Its Applications Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany 2017-01-01
2 Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Chapter in an Edited Books New approaches in engeenring and research v.10 Scaling Approach to determine superconducting anisotropy 2021-08-06
3 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Chapter in an Edited Books New Approaches in Engineering Research Synthesis of Semiconducting Nanoparticles Using Infrared Radiation Assisted Stokes' Law: A Novel Approach 2021-10-22
4 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Chapter in an Edited Books Handbook of Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology by Springer Sustainable nanomaterials for environmental remediation -
5 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Chapter in an Edited Books Nanomaterials for Innovative Energy Systems and Devices Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) Nanocomposites-Based Supercapacitors -
6 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Book Authored Microscopic Characterization of Nanomaterials, Publisher: SR Scientific Publications -
7 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Chapter in an Edited Books Green Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications Applications of green nanomaterials in coatings -
8 Dr. Beer Pal Singh Chapter in an Edited Books Conducting Polymers for Advanced Energy Applications Application of 2D Materials in Conducting Polymers for High Capacity Batteries -
9 Dr. Kavita Sharma Chapter in an Edited Books Green Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications by Elsevier Applications of green nanomaterials in coatings 2021-12-15
10 Dr. Kavita Sharma Chapter in an Edited Books Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology by Springer Sustainable nanomaterials for environmental remediation 2021-11-15
11 Dr. Kavita Sharma Chapter in an Edited Books Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology by Springer Sustainable green nanomaterials for advanced treatment process for contaminated water and soil 2021-10-15
12 Dr. Kavita Sharma Chapter in an Edited Books Recent Trends in Energy Sciences and Technology by Springer Nature Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) Nanocomposites-based Supercapacitors -
13 Dr. Kavita Sharma Chapter in an Edited Books Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology by Springer Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology for Clean Energy Production -
14 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Chapter in an Edited Books Handbook of Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology, Springer Nature Switzerland AG /Green Nanomaterials for Remediation of Environmental Air Pollution 2022-10-09
15 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Chapter in an Edited Books Handbook of Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology Springer Nature Switzerland AG/Sustainable Nanomaterials for Environmental Remediation 2022-10-08
16 Dr. Yogendra Kr. Gautam Chapter in an Edited Books Nanomaterials for Innovative Energy Systems and Devices, Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd/ TRANSITION METAL DICHALCOGENIDES (TMDS) NANOCOMPOSITES-BASED SUPERCAPACITORS 2022-03-11


S.No. Patent Application No. Inventor's Name Title Applicant's Name Assignee's Name (Institute Affiliation's at time of Application)
1 202211033904 A Updesh Verma, Suraj Kumar Sinha, Beer Pal Singh, Lalit Kumar, Anil Kumar Malik, Subodh Pal, Harish Kumar and Shrestha Tyagi AIR BORNE MICROBE SHIELD AND AIR PURIFIER AND METHOD THEREOF Updesh Verma, Suraj Kumar Sinha, Beer Pal Singh, Lalit Kumar, Anil Kumar Malik, Subodh Pal, Harish Kumar and Shrestha Tyagi Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, India
2 202211037152A Shrestha Tyagi, Beer Pal Singh, Ashwani Kumar, Kavita Sharma, Updesh Verma, Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Anil Kumar Malik, Anuj Kumar Molybdenum Disulfide Nanocactus and Method of Preparation Shrestha Tyagi, Beer Pal Singh, Ashwani Kumar, Kavita Sharma, Updesh Verma, Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Anil Kumar Malik, Anuj Kumar Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, India
3 202111034797 A Ruchi Bhati, Anil K. Malik,Beer Pal singh, Updesh Verma METHOD FOR DESIGNING MULTI-CHANNEL SELECTIVE SWITCHING AND SENSING DEVICE BASED ON AUTONOMOUS TUNING OF QUINT ELECTROMAGNETICALLY INDUCED TRANSPARENCY Ruchi Bhati, Anil K. Malik,Beer Pal singh, Updesh Verma Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut
4 202211049660 A Yogendra Kumar Gautam,Vijay Parewa, Surendra Saini, Pratibha Saini, Krishan Kumar, Beer Pal Singh : SUSTAINABLE VALORIZATION OF HOUSEHOLD PLASTIC WASTE INTO WATER SOLUBLE LUMINESCENT NANOCARBONS Yogendra Kumar Gautam Indian Patent Office
5 202211037307 A Beer Pal Singh, Shrestha Tyagi Novel Method for Size Controlled Synthesis of Nanoparticles Beer Pal Singh, Shrestha Tyagi Indian Patent Office
6 202111034797A Ruchi Bhati, Anil Kumar Malik, Beer Pal Singh, Updesh Verma Method for Designing Multi-Channel Selective Switching and Sensing Device based on Autonomously Tuning of Quint Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Ruchi Bhati, Anil Kumar Malik, Beer Pal Singh, Updesh Verma Indian Patent Office
7 202211037152 A Shrestha Tyagi, Beer Pal Singh, Ashwani Kumar, Kavita Sharma, Updesh Verma, Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Anil Kumar Malik, Anuj Kumar Molybdenum Disulfide Nanocactus and Method of Preparation Shrestha Tyagi, Beer Pal Singh, Ashwani Kumar, Kavita Sharma, Updesh Verma, Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Anil Kumar Malik, Anuj Kumar Indian Patent Office
8 202211033904 A Updesh Verma, Suraj Kumar Sinha, Beer Pal Singh, Lalit Kumar, Anil Kumar Malik, Subodh Pal, Harish Kumar and Shrestha Tyagi Air Borne Microbe Shield and Air Purifier and Method Thereof Updesh Verma, Suraj Kumar Sinha, Beer Pal Singh, Lalit Kumar, Anil Kumar Malik, Subodh Pal, Harish Kumar and Shrestha Tyagi Indian Patent Office
9 202211049660 A Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Sagar Vikal, Vijay Parewa, Ajay Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, Beer Pal Singh, Anil Kumar Malik, Swati Meena METHOD OF PREPERATION OF NANOCATALYST FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND THE NANOCATALYST THEREOF Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Sagar Vikal, Vijay Parewa, Ajay Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, Beer Pal Singh, Anil Kumar Malik, Swati Meena Indian Patent Office
10 1020120031730 Kim Bo Gyun, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Method for Al-nanorods thin film anode of Li-ion batteries Kim Bo Gyun, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Korea Intellectual Property Rights Information Service (KIPRIS)
11 P201000 Lee Sang Soo, Ashish Ranjan Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Method for manufacturing of biological silica (b-SiO2) From Rice Husk Crude Biomass Lee Sang Soo, Ashish Ranjan Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma International Patent and Law Firm
12 P20KWU30 Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Naginder Kumar Sharma, Rinku Gupta, Eun-Ha Choi YZO-CNTs nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalyst performance and their manufacturing methods Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Naginder Kumar Sharma, Rinku Gupta, Eun-Ha Choi Korea Intellectual Property Rights Information Service (KIPRIS)
13 202211049660 A Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Sagar Vikal, Vijay Parewa, Ajay Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, Beer Pal Singh, Anil Kumar Malik, Swati Meena METHOD OF PREPERATION OF NANOCATALYST FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND THE NANOCATALYST THEREOF CCS University Meerut, U.P. India Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Sagar Vikal, Beer Pal Singh
14 202211047536 A Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Vijay Parewa, Surendra Saini, Pratibha Saini, Krishan Kumar, Beer Pal Singh Sustainable valorization of household plastic waste into water soluble luminescent nanocarbons Yogendra Kumar Gautam Yogendra Kumar Gautam and Beer Pal Singh
15 202311011321 A Sagar Vikal, Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Durvesh Gautam, Ajay Kumar, Ashwani Kumar,, Vijay Parewa, Kavita Sharma, Beer Pal Singh, Anuj Kumar PALLADIUM DOPED MANGANESE OXIDE NANOCORN AS AN ANTIMICROBIAL AGENT AND METHOD OF PREPARATION THEREOF CCS University Meerut, U.P. India + Yogendra K. Gautam CCS University Meerut, U.P. India
16 202211037152 A Shrestha Tyagi, Beer Pal Singh, Ashwani Kumar, Kavita Sharma, Updesh Verma, Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Anil Kumar Malik, Anuj Kumar MOLYBDENUM DISULFIDE NANOCACTUS AND METHOD OF PREPARATION THEREOF CCS University Meerut, U.P. India Shrestha Tyagi, Beer Pal Singh, Kavita Sharma, Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Anil Kumar Malik, Anuj Kumar


The growing international reputation of the Department has enabled to join several international collaborations such as  University of Tokyo, Japan; Saitama University, Japan; Pittsburg State University, USA; Czech Technical University, Czech Republic; Kwangwoon University, South Korea; Central Connecticut State University, USA; University of Puerto Rico, USA, and so on.

The Department’s illustrious legacy and its continuous stride in academic excellence over many decades have been duly acknowledged by the Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, resulting in the endowment of financial grants through the schemes (DST-FIST) and University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. These grants have helped in strengthening the post graduate laboratories and basic infrastructure and the procurement of state of art instruments for research.

Faculty members are also collaborating with Scientists at IUAC, New Delhi, IIT Roorkee; IIT Delhi; IIT Ropar, TIFR, Mumbai, CSIR-NPL, Delhi University, Lucknow Universality and so on.

Dr. Somendra Tomar, Alumnus of Department  is serving as the minister of state for energy and alternative energy,  Government of Uttar Pradesh, India.

Department received 3 Centre of Excellence from  Council of Higher Education, Government of Uttar Pradesh, India during recent years.

Currently 10 Research Projects are running in the department from various government agencies (DST-SERB, ICMR, UGC, UP-CST, etc). 

The faculty of the Department published/granted 5 National/International patents.

Department organized  19 seminars/conferences/training programme/workshop during recent years.

Department is well equipped with advanced facilities such as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with EDX, RF-DC-Magnetron Sputtering System, Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Class-1000 Clean Room Facility for Micro & Nanofabrication, Clean Room Chemical Processing Facilities, Optical Stepper with Nanoimprint Lithography, Raman Spectroscopy, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Gas Sensing Set-up and Electrochemical workstation, COMSOL, CST Studio Suite and MATLAB, etc.

Time Table

No data available.