
Home > Department of Chemistry


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Department Overview

Head of Department: Prof. R.K. Soni (21.02.2021-20.02.2024)

The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 2002. The Department is running one regular and three self-finance courses – M.Sc. (Chemistry), M.Sc. (PSCT), M.Sc. (Biochemistry) respectively, it also runs one UG course under self-finance scheme – B.Sc. (H)Chemistry. The Department has separate laboratories for Inorganic, Organic,Physical, Polymer Science and Technology & Biochemistry & two computer labs separately for UG & PG students. The Department has well established and well-equipped Biochemical Research Lab and Research Analytical Laboratories for Inorganic, Organic, Physical, PolymerScience and Technology, & Biochemistry. The Department has been conducting research work on different topics of National and International importance. The Department has startedresearch activities in different fields of Polymer Science and Chemical Technology such as development of technology for recovering chemicals and useful products from polymer waste,biodegradable plastics, composites etc. The Department is conducting research on the development of new products and modification of the existing products. Also, several Patents has also been published and students actively participate in applied research. Some of the important Projects are Development of laminated and bullet resistant glass, Development of polymer blends with modification of properties by dynamic cross linking, Improvement of thermal stability of the plastic and rubber materials, Development of biodegradable polymers,Development of UV curable composites, Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Lead-free thermal stabilizers, Recycling and Reuse of PET Waste. The Department has distinction of publications of Research papers in International Journals and filing applications for obtaining patents.

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Programme/ Courses

The department is currently offering the following programmes of study:

B.Sc. (NEP) Chemistry

B.Sc. (NEP) Chemistry
About Programme:

The purpose of the undergraduate chemistry program B.Sc (NEP) is to provide the key knowledge base and laboratory resources to prepare students for careers as professionals in various industries and research institutions. The students will have a firm foundation in the fundamentals and application of current chemical and scientific theories including those in analytical, Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistries. The students shall get certificate, diploma and degree in three consecutive years.





3 years (six semester)

Number of Seats:


Eligibility Conditions:

Candidates having intermediate degree with science background are eligible.

BSc. Chemistry Honours

BSc. Chemistry Honours
About Programme:

The purpose of the undergraduate chemistry program B.Sc. (Chemistry) to provide the key knowledge base and laboratory resources to prepare students for careers as professionals in various industries and research institutions of high academic standards.The students will have a firm foundation in the fundamentals and application of current chemical and scientific theories including those in Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry, analytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Industrial chemistry and computer discipline.


3 years (six semester)

Number of Seats:


Eligibility Conditions:

Candidates having intermediate degree with science background are eligible.

M.Sc. (Chemistry).

M.Sc. (Chemistry).
About Programme:

2 Years ( 04 Semesters ).

Number of Seats:


Eligibility Conditions:

B.Sc. Degree (with the concerned subject as one of the main subjects) with 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in the subject.

M. Sc. Chemistry (Specialization in Polymer Science & Chemical Technology)

M. Sc. Chemistry (Specialization in Polymer Science & Chemical Technology)
About Programme:

02 Years ( 4 Semesters ).

Number of Seats:


Eligibility Conditions:

Bachelor’s Degree with PCM/CBZ/Polymer Science/B.E. / B.Tech. (in any branch) with 50% marks.

M.Sc. (Biochemistry)

M.Sc. (Biochemistry)
About Programme:

Full time two years (Four Semesters).

Number of Seats:


Eligibility Conditions:

Bachelor‟s degree with PCM/CBZ/MLT with 50% marks.

PhD (Chemistry)

PhD (Chemistry)
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

Post Graduate

Pre-Ph.D. Coursework (Chemistry)

Pre-Ph.D. Coursework (Chemistry)
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

Organic Framing (Chemistry)

Organic Framing (Chemistry)
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:


Head & Professor

R.K. Soni

M.Sc., M.E., Ph.D.

View Profile

Assistant Professor

Dr. Nazia Tarannum

M.Sc., Ph.D.

View Profile

Dr. Nikhil Kumar


View Profile

Dr. MeenuTeotia

M.Sc. Ph.D.

View Profile

Dr Priyanka Kakkar


View Profile

Dr Manisha Bhardwaj

M.Sc. Ph.D. (Biochemistry)

No Resume Available

Dr Mukti Verma


View Profile


Programme Name Download New/ Revised Syllabus
B.Sc (H) Chemistry new syllabus (2022-23)
B.Sc. (For First Three Years of Higher Education)
B.Sc. (H) Chemistry old syllabus
B.Sc. Honours & Honours with Research 2024-25
B.Sc. Honours (Value Added Course) 2024-25
B.Sc. Industrial Chemistry (For First Three Years of Higher Education)
B.Sc. Under NEP
M. Sc. Chemistry syllabus old
M.Sc. Chemistry (Spl. in PSCT) new syllabus 2022-23
M.Sc. Chemistry (Spl. in PSCT) old syllabus 2019-20 (1)
M.Sc. Chemistry New Syllabus (BOS 2022)
M.Sc.Biochemistry new syllabus2022 (1)
M.Sc.Biochemistry Old Syllabus
Msc chemistry NEP syllabus with open elective
Organic Framing (Chemistry)
Pre-Ph.D. Coursework (Chemistry)



The Department has separate laboratories for Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Polymer Science and Technology & Biochemistry & two computer labs separately for UG & PG students. The Department has well established and well-equipped Biochemical Research Lab and Research Analytical Laboratories for Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Polymer Science and Technology, Biochemistry & Microbial labs.

Analytical Lab

Polymer processing Lab

Inorganic Chemistry Lab

Physical Chemistry Lab

Organic Chemistry Lab

Glass Technology Lab

Biochemistry Lab

Computer Labs

Instrumental Lab


Department of Chemistry has developed laboratories keeping in mind the essence of practical knowledge. The Laboratories are well- equipped with sophisticated instruments such as Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, PCR Thermocycler, Electrophoretic Unit, UV & Visible Spectrophotometers, Differential Scanning Calorimeter, Flame Photometer, Bomb Calorimeter, Vacuum oven with pump, DO Analyzer, Culture Shakers, pH meters, BOD Incubators, High resolution FT-IR, DSC, Laminar Air flow, Auto Injection Moulding, Distillation Apparatus(quartz), Portable Extruder, Auto Injection Moulding, Two roll mill, Hydraulic Press, Electronic Balances etc. A well-equipped Computer laboratory with Pentium based computers & latest software required for teaching & research is also available in the Department.


The Department has well established Departmental library with an extensive collection of books by renowned Indian & International authors, Audio/ Video cassettes, CD-ROMs, as well as subscription on National & International research Journals. The Journals subscribed for the library are: Indian Science Abstract, Indian Journal of Chemistry Sciences, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Indian Journal of Fiber and Textile Research, Asian Chemistry Letters and Medicinal & Aromatic Plant Abstracts.



Differential Photo Calorimeter with UV radiometer

Differential photocalorimeter instrument is DSC 7020 Thermal analysis System equipped with PDC-7 unit for photochemical analysis. Other accessories include wavelength filters for wavelength selection and UV radiometer for intensity measurement.

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a powerful analytical tool for the identification of various physical properties and thermal transitions of polymeric materials. It is used to estimate the melting and mesomorphic transitions along with their entropy and enthalpy.

Universal Testing Machine

The instrument has test fixtures for tensile and compression alongwith three point bending fixture. Universal testing Machine is used to determine the following mechanical properties:

Tensile Strength

Tensile modulus

Percentage elongation

Bending strength

Flexural strength

Flexural modulus

Compressive force

High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

High Performance Liquid Chromatograph is LC-2010CHT (Shimadzu) with inbuilt UV detector. The instrument is also equipped with RID detector to perform Gel Permeation Chromatography. Among the various technologies developed for chromatography, devices dedicated for molecular separation called columns and high-performance pumps for delivering solvent at a stable flow rate are some of the key components of HPLC. It is a popular and versatile technique that provides affordable solutions on separation, identification, and quantification of constituents of complex organic samples.  HPLC is an analytical technique used for the separation of components of an organic mixture of compounds when such compounds are nonvolatile, thermally unstable, and have relatively high molecular weights.  

HPLC technique is widely applicable in areas as follows

Analysis of drugs

Analysis of synthetic polymers

Analysis of pollutants in environmental analytics

Determination of drugs in biological matrices

Isolation of valuable products

Product purity and quality control of industrial products and fine chemicals

Separation and purification of biopolymers such as enzymes or nucleic acids

Water purification

Pre-concentration of trace components

Ligand-exchange chromatography

Ion-exchange chromatography of proteins

High-pH anion-exchange chromatography of carbohydrates and oligosaccharide

Fourier Transform Infra red Spectrophotometer (FTIR)

FTIR is one of the most used spectroscopic techniques to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption or transmission of a solid, liquid or gas. The instrument is CARY AGILENT FTIR 630 (ATR MODULE/TRANSMISSION MODULE). FTIR spectrophotometer is used in organic synthesis, polymer science, petrochemical engineering, pharmaceutical industry and food analysis. In other words, it has a wide array of applications, from monitoring processes to identifying compounds to determining components in a mixture.

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

The instrument is LABINDIA AS01 equipped with autosampler and Graphite furnace. Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) is a spectro-analytical procedure for the quantitative determination of chemical elements using the absorption of optical radiation (light) by free atoms in the gaseous state. Atomic absorption spectroscopy is based on absorption of light by free metallic ions.

In analytical chemistry the technique is used for determining the concentration of a particular element (the analyte) in a sample to be analysed. AAS can be used to determine over 70 different elements in solution, or directly in solid samples via electrothermal vaporization, and is used in pharmacology, biophysics,  archaeology and toxicology research.



B.Sc. (H) Chemistry

The Curriculum of B.Sc. (H) Chemistry contains more than 50% skill enhancement courses and industrial training in view of enhancing employability skills in the students. In B.Sc. (H) Chemistry programme, theoretical concepts and experimental analytical techniques are taught comprising most sophisticated instruments such as FTIR, HPLC, UV-Visible spectrophotometer. Hands on training sessions are conducted for software knowledge, sample preparation methods, sample handling & recording and data acquisition making them efficient and well acquainted with these techniques which are essential prerequisites for research and innovation in any field. The B.Sc. (H) Chemistry programme equips the students to perform one or more of the following roles:

A good base for higher degrees and Masters in Chemical Sciences.

A successful member of an advanced academic or research organization.

A successful entrepreneur.

After completion of B.Sc. (H) Chemistry programme, students are driven to explore, understand and follow their own ideas to advance and contribute to society through innovation, discovery and research creativity.

M.Sc Chemistry

The scope of M.Sc Chemistry is very diverse and offer a wide career prospect. Jobs are available in a variety of sectors and organizations. Major areas of recruitment are Academic Institutions, Research Centres, Pharmaceutical Industry, Chemical Firms, Actuaries, Public Relations. Some of the job opportunities available are:


 Assistant Professors

Research Associate

Research Scientist

Content Developer

Chemical Engineer

Quality Control Chemists

Inspector of Quality Control

Quality Control Manager

Synthetic Lab Scientist

Quality Management Analyst

Lab Technologist



The students of the department are occupying high and distinct positions in educational and research institutions of repute in India and abroad. The students are brand ambassador of the University and have played their role well in gaining highest reputation for the department. NAME CURRENT POSITION ORGANIZATION ADDRESS SESSION PROGRAM (M.Sc In)
1 Rahul Siwach Post Doctoral Fellow Nanyang Technological University,Singapore 2004-2006 Chemistry
2 Anuj Tomar Regional Lab Manager Novecare,Industrial Process Solution, Solvary France 2004-2006 Chemistry
3 Dr.Anuj Assistant Professor (International faculty Member) School of Chemical Engineering YeungramUniversity,Gyeongsan, South Korea 2004-2006 Chemistry
4 Dr.Dinesh Post Doctoral Fellow Inha University, South Korea 2010-2012 PSCT
5 Dr.Kuldeep Post Doctoral Fellow Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel 2009-2011 Chemistry
6 Dr. Nawab Singh Post doc Research Associate Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa USA 2008-2010 Chemistry
7 Rajeev Kumar Pursuing PhD Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea 2014-2016 PSCT
8 Dr. Nivedita Post Doctoral Fellow University of Connecticut, Connecticut, USA 2009-2011 PSCT
9 Dr. Anil Kumar Post Doctoral Fellow Food & Nutrition Department, Kunsan National University, Gunsan, South Korea 2006-2008 Chemistry
10 Dr. Yogendra kumar Post Doctoral Fellow Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel 2008-2010 Chemistry
11 Dr. Rahul Panwar Post Doctoral Fellow Department of Chemistry, Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology, Ulsan, South Korea 2008-2010 Chemistry
12 Dr. Brijesh Kumar R&D- Manager (Polyester polyol & Polyurethane systems) Huntsman Corp., Dubai, UAE 2004-2006 PSCT
13 Piyush Kaushik Technical sales Executive Oswal cables Pvt.Ltd, Wajirpur Industrial Area, Delhi 2020-2022 PSCT
14 Nitin Quality Control and R&D Assistance Purtiz Chem Pvt.Ltd. bhiwadi, Alwar, Rajasthan 2020-2022 PSCT
15 Abhishek Kumar Analytical Chemist Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (1) Pvt.Ltd. Noida 2020-2022 PSCT
16 Shubham Jain Analytical Chemist Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (1) Pvt.Ltd. Noida 2020-2022 PSCT
17 Shivam Kumar R&D Manager Dr.Reddy Laboratories Limited, Mandi,HP 2018-2020 PSCT
18 Aakash Rastogi Lecturer PGT,Noida 2017-2019 PSCT
19 Dr.Meenakshi Verma Assistant Professor Assistant Professor KalindiCollege , University of Delhi 2005-2007 Chemistry
20 Dr.Deepak Tyagi Scientific Officer Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Mumbai 2005-2007 Chemistry
21 Mohd.Kamil Hussain Assistant Professor Assistant Professor govt.Raza PG College , Rampur 2005-2007 Chemistry
22 Dr.Anjali Verma Assistant Professor Assistant ProfessorAtmaramSanatam Dharma College , University of Delhi 2012-2018(Research Scholar) Chemistry (Ph.D)
23 Dr.Ifra R&D Manager HPL Additives Faridabad 2012-2014 PSCT
24 Aamir R&D Manager UflexLtd.,Noida 2013-2015 PSCT
25 Dr.Samarjeet Singh Siwal Assistant Professor MM(DU),Mullana 2007-2009 PSCT
26 Sunil Kumar DRDO,Pune 2004-2006 Chemistry
27 Adesh Kumar Officer ONGC 2003-2005 Chemistry
28 Ajay Kumar TGT, Education Department,UP 2002-2004 Chemistry
29 Sandeep Kumar Deputy Govt. Analyst Drug Testing Laboratory Baddi, HP 2005-2007 Chemistry
30 Anuj Kumar Baliyan Assistant Professor Janta Vedic College,BarautBaghpat 2005-2007 Chemistry
31 Nidhi Gupta Lecturer TGT,Hapur 2016-2018 Chemistry
32 Anurag Panwar Lecturer TGT,Moradnagar 2016-2018 Chemistry
33 Dr.Amzad Khan Assistant Professor Govt. Raza PG College, Rampur 2011-2013 Chemistry
34 Dinesh Kumar Sr. Manager Vectus Pvt.Ltd. 2004-2006 Chemistry
35 KunwerVijayant Singh Manager Production PP Oganics Pvt.Ltd. Karnal, Haryana 2003-2005 PSCT
36 Ravi Kumar Lamba Manager Production Alucopanel Industries Bhagwanpur,Roorkee 2004-2006 Chemistry
37 Vaishali Poonia Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Vardhman College,Bijnor 2010 Chemistry
38 Rahul Dhaka Assistant Professor Assistant Professor CCS HA University, Hissar 2004-2006 Chemistry
39 Pramod Kumar Assistant Professor Assistant ProfessorM M College, Khekra 2003-2005 Chemistry
40 Sarita Assistant Professor Assistant Professor S.D.College Muzzafarnagar 2004-2006 Chemistry
41 Sanjeev Kumar Lecturer PGT, Hapur 2003-2005 Chemistry
42 Vandana Yadav Assistant Professor Assistant Professor, Bhopal 2006 Chemistry
43 Awadhesh Kumar Dwivedi Assistant Professor Assistant Professor, Bihar 2003-2005 Chemistry
44 Subodh Kumar Lecturer SarvHitkari Inter College, Meetli, Bhaghpat 2003-2005 Chemistry
45 Anushree Jatrana Assistant Professor Assistant Professor CCS HA University, Hissar 2008-2010 Chemistry
46 Komal PCS UP Govt. 2012-2014 PSCT
47 Sachin Rajput PCS UP Govt. 2012-2014 PSCT
48 Nakul Kumar Assistant Professor Swarrnim startup and innovation University, Ahmedabad 2013-2015 PSCT

Research & Publications


S.No. Author Name Title Name of Journal Month Year of Publication
1 Dr. MeenuTeotia New photoinitiators derived from PET waste: Molecular simulations and photocatalytic efficiency Journal of Polymer Research 2023-01-06
2 Dr. MeenuTeotia Facile synthesis, characterization, and ab initio DFT simulations of energy efficient NN dialkyl 1, 4 benzene dicarboxamide monomers recovered from PET bottle waste Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2020-11-15
3 Dr. MeenuTeotia Novel dual peptisers and curing agents derived from PET waste as N-alkyl benzene dicarboxamides for EDPM waste Applied Innovative Research 2020-10-19
4 Dr. MeenuTeotia Flame Profile Measurement of Cu (II) based Salen Complex Filled Thermally Stabilized PVC Sheets by Cone Calorimeter Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2020-07-01
5 Dr. MeenuTeotia Improvement of Thermal Insulation and Crack Resistance of Plaster of Paris Composites at High Temperature Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2020-04-01
6 Dr. MeenuTeotia Prevention of PVC degradation through Organic Terephthalamides generated from PET waste Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2019-10-20
7 Dr. MeenuTeotia Photocured Characteristics of fast Photocurable acrylic formulations & investigations by Differential Photo Calorimeter . Journal of thermal analysis and Calorimetry 2019-07-01
8 Dr. MeenuTeotia Structure-based rational design, synthesis, crystal structure, DFT and molecular docking of 1, 4 benzene dicarboxamide isomers with application as hardeners New Journal of Chemistry 2019-04-22
9 Dr. MeenuTeotia Salen Type Copper (II) Complexes as Flame Retardants for PVC Sheets Journal of Scientific and Industrial research 2019-01-01
10 Dr. MeenuTeotia Applications of Finite Element Modelling in Failure Analysis of Laminated glass Composites: A Review Engineering Failure analysis 2018-12-01
11 Dr. MeenuTeotia Depolymerization of PET Waste to Potentially Applicable Aromatic Amides: Their Characterization and DFT Study Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2017-08-15
12 Dr. MeenuTeotia TGA decomposition and Flame profile measurement of Terephthalamide stabilized PVC by Cone calorimeter Journal of Scientific and Industrial research. 2017-07-01
13 Dr. MeenuTeotia Fracture analysis of UV cured Acrylic Resin Interlayer based Laminated glasses Journal of Scientific and Industrial research 2017-01-10
14 Dr. MeenuTeotia Applications of Egg Shell and Egg Shell Membrane as adsorbents: A Review Journal of Molecular liquids 2016-11-01
15 Dr. MeenuTeotia Improvement in Impact properties of Laminated glass panels through surface treatment and Silane coupling agent Journal of Indian Chemical Society 2016-01-06
16 Dr. MeenuTeotia Polymer Interlayers for glass lamination- A Review International Journal of Science and Research 2014-08-08
17 Dr. MeenuTeotia Studies on the effect of acrylic acid & methyl-meth-acrylate monomers on the viscoelastic behaviour of divinylester resin of Bisphenol-A UV cured sheets IOSR-Journal of Applied Chemistry 2014-08-01
18 Dr. MeenuTeotia 3. DSC kinetic Studies on Cure Kinetics of DGEBA (Diglycidyl Ether of Bisphenol-A) with Terephthalamide Hardening System generated from PET waste Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science 2013-03-29
19 Dr. MeenuTeotia Studies on Inhibition of UV exposure by UV cured laminated glasses for green building International Journal of Current Chemistry 2011-06-01
20 Dr. MeenuTeotia Studies on Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Acrylic Amide oligomer of Aminolysed end products generated from PET waste with hydrazine mono hydrate and its photo curing with acrylate monomers Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2010-10-15
21 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Point of Care Detection Assay Based on Biomarker Imprinted Polymer For Different Cancers: A State of Art Review Polymer Bulletin 2022-01-23
22 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chemical Depolymerization of Recycled PET to Oxadiazole and Hydrazone Derivatives: Synthesis, Characterization, Molecular Docking and DFT study Journal of King Saud University 2021-11-29
23 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Recent trends and applications in the research and development activities of redispersible powder: a vision of twenty-first century Polymer Bulletin 2021-10-11
24 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Performance of sustainable sand concrete at ambient and elevated temperature Cons & Build Mater 2021-04-19
25 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Study based on docking of antimicrobial activity and fluorescence behavior of ammonium salt of diisopropyl dithiophosphate, O, diisopropanediyl S-(N-phthalimido methyl) and zinc diisopropyl dithiophosphates Phosphorous, Sulphur and Silicon and the Related Elements 2020-12-10
26 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Perspective and application of molecular imprinting approach for antibiotic detection in food and environmental samples: A critical review Food Control 2020-12-01
27 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis of SnO2 Nanoparticles using Ficus religiosa Leaf Extractand their Application in Fabrication of OFETs for Glucose Monitoring Adv Mater Res 2020-09-22
28 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Evaluation of DNA Intercalation Study and Biological Profile of a Series of Schiff base Metal(II) Complexes Derived from Amino Acid Inorganic and Nano-metal Chemistry 2020-09-04
29 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Receptors for Assays of Antibiotics Critical Reviews in Anal Chem 2020-07-03
30 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Preparation And Applications of Hydrophobic Multicomponent Based Redispersible Polymer Powder : A Review Construction and Building Materials 2020-06-30
31 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Metal organic precursor derived Ba1-xCaxZrO3 (0.05 0.20) nanoceramics for excellent capacitor applications J King Saud Univ 2020-04-01
32 Dr. Nazia Tarannum A chitosan gold nanoparticles molecularly imprinted polymer based ciprofloxacin sensor RSC Advances 2020-03-31
33 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Copolymer of β-Cyclodextrin : A Review J Polym Res 2020-03-07
34 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Facile Green Synthesis and Applications of Silver Nanoparticles: A State-of-the Art Review RSC Advances 2019-10-29
35 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Design, Synthesis and Validation of Anti-microbial derivatives: An efficient green approach Heliyon 2019-10-01
36 Dr. Nazia Tarannum High Performance Room Temperature Ethanol Detection Using OFETs Based on Polymer and Low cost SnO2 Nanoparticles Synthesized from Aegle Marmelos Fruit Sensor Letters 2019-08-01
37 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Development of low cost adsorbent from recycled polyethylene terephthalate for the treatment of acephate contaminated water J Indian Chem Society 2019-08-01
38 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Physiochemical Characterization and Dematerialization of Coal Class F Flyash Residues From Thermal Power Plant Civil Engineering J 2019-05-22
39 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Structure-based rational design, synthesis, crystal structure, DFT and molecular docking of 1,4 benzene dicarboxamide isomers with application as hardeners New J Chem 2019-04-22
40 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis, Electronic Spectral Study and Antifungal Evaluation of Mixed Ligand Complex of Dibasic Tridentate Schiff Base and Naphthoic Acid with Transition Metal Ions Asian J Chem 2019-03-28
41 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Highly-sensitive Immunochromatographic Detection of Antibiotic Ciprofloxacin in Milk App Biochem Microbiology 2018-12-19
42 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Preparation and Application of Modified Chitosan based Carbobetaine Gel System for Treatment of Acephate Contaminated Water Asian J Chem 2018-11-30
43 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis and Analysis of Stereochemical and Biological Studies of mono-nitrophenol Complexes with Benzofurathio Semicarbazide Ligand Asian J Chem 2018-08-01
44 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis and Antifungal Study of Mixed Ligand Complex of Ni(II) with Dibasic Tridentate Schiff Base as Primary and Naphthoic Acid as Co-ligand Asian J Chem 2018-05-01
45 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Estabilishing Relationship Between Maternal Socio-demographic Characteristics and Lead in Umbilical Cord Blood Serum Research in Pharmacy and Health Sciences 2017-12-01
46 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Antibacterial activity, thermal stability and ab-initio study of copolymer containing sulfobetaine and carboxybetaine groups Mater Res Express 2017-10-11
47 Dr. Nazia Tarannum A Systematic Review on the Synthesis and Biological Activity of Hydrazide Derivatives Hygeia::J Drugs Med 2017-07-17
48 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Depolymerization of PET Waste for Facile Synthesis of a Series of Potentially Applicable Amides: Their Characterization, and DFT Study J Appl Polym Sci. 2017-04-13
49 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chemical Degradation of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) for Potential Antimicrobial Activity Evaluation and Molecular Docking Study J Polym & Env 2017-03-24
50 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis, Spectral Characterization and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of O,O'-alkanediyl S-(N-phthalimidomethyl) dithiophosphates and Zinc bis(O,O'-alkanediyl) dithiophosphates Phosphorous, Sulfur, Silicon, & Related Elements 2017-03-04
51 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis of Organic Sulfobetaine based Polymer Gel Electrolyte for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Application Polym Adv Tech 2017-02-28
52 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination Zones of Biota of Western Uttar Pradesh Terrain, India using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Int J Env Tech Manag 2017-01-01
53 Dr. Nazia Tarannum A facile approach towards synthesis, characterization, single crystal structure and DFT study of 5-bromosalicylalcohol Crystallography Reports 2016-04-15
54 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis, Antimicrobial Activity and Molecular Modelling of Aminolysed Derivative of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Der Pharma Chemica 2016-03-01
55 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Mesalmine Targeted Water-Compatible Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Silver Nanoparticles with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic (SERS) and Voltammetric Detection Sensor Lett 2016-01-01
56 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis and molecular docking of terephthalic dihydrazide from poly(ethylene terepthalate) for antimicrobial activity and biochemical changes Der Pharma Chemica 2016-01-01
57 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Facile eco-friendly synthesis of 3,4,6,7-tetrahydro 3,3,6,6-tetramethyl-2H-xanthene 1,8(5H,9H-dione, crystal and theoretical study Crystallography Reports 2014-11-26
58 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Selective recognition of fenbufen by surface imprinted silica with iniferter technique J Porous Mater 2014-05-15
59 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Ion Transport Properties of NaPF6 & NaCl doped Poly(N phenylene N'imino pentyl) imminium propanesulfonate Ionics 2014-04-01
60 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Advances in synthesis and applications of sulfo and carbo analogues of polybetaines: A review Rev Adv Sci & Eng. 2013-06-01
61 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Water-compatible aspartame imprinted polymer grafted on silica surface for selective recognition in aqueous solution Anal Bioanal Chem 2013-02-21
62 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Surface Photografting of Novel Sulfobetaine Copolymers on Silica J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2012-07-18
63 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Selective recognition and detection of L- aspartic acid by molecularly imprinted polymer in aqueous solution Am. J. Ana. Chem. 2011-12-07
64 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis and swelling characteristics of responsive carboxybetaine gel J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2011-10-05
65 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis and characterization of certain organogels based on Schiff base chemistry J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2010-12-05
66 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Synthesis, Characterization and Photoluminescence of Novel Sulfobetaine Polyelectrolytes J. Fluoresc. 2010-10-05
67 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Water-Compatible Surface Imprinting of Baclofen on Silica Surface for Selective Recognition and Detection in Aqueous Solution Anal. Methods -
68 Dr. NIKHIL KUMAR Study On Characteristic Separation And Identification AndAntimicrobial Activity Of Main Compounds From The Rhizomes Of Alpinia Allughas International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, , 2021-02-13
69 Dr. NIKHIL KUMAR Study on Physicochemical Properties of Essential Oil From The Rhizomes of Alpinia Allughas Rosc. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, , 2021-01-11
70 Dr. NIKHIL KUMAR A Comparative Study of the Renewable Solar Energy and Other Renewable, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL 2018-04-01
71 Dr. NIKHIL KUMAR Essential oil composition of Alpinia allughas and its antimicrobial activity International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, , 2018-01-01
72 Dr. NIKHIL KUMAR Physico-chemical investigation of variously extracted medicinally useful materials from the rhizomes of Alpinia calcarata Rosc. of Kumaun Region, India International Environment Conservation 2013-05-01
73 Dr. NIKHIL KUMAR Nutritive value of rhizome of the ginger resembling Alpinia allughas Rosc. and characteristics of various extracted materials from the rhizome J.INDIAN.CHEMICAL.SOCIETY Elsevier 2012-04-01
74 Dr. NIKHIL KUMAR Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Avtivity of The Essential Oil From The Rhizome of Canna indica Linn., INDIAN .J.CHEMISTRY sEC b 2011-08-01
75 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Studies on metal complexes of some substituted oxazoline Progressive Agriculture 2022-01-04
76 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Synthesis and spectral study of mixed ligand complex of Chromium(III) and Iron(III) with dibasic tridentate Schiff base as primary and naphthoic acid as co-ligand ASIAN RESONANCE 2021-01-25
77 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Studies on structural aspects of biologically active oxygen donor ligands of oxazolines and iron metal complexes Annals of Horticulture 2020-12-16
78 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Studies on structural aspects of biologically active oxygen donor ligands of oxazolines and copper metal complexes ASIAN RESONANCE 2020-10-12
79 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Synthesis and spectral study of mixed ligand complexes of Chromium(III) with dibasic tridentate Schiff base as primary and naphthoic acid as co-ligand Annals of Horticulture 2020-08-17
80 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Evaluation of serum immunoglobulin in patients of Bronchial Asthma ASIAN RESONANCE 2020-04-28
81 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Polarographic studies of complexes formed by Indole-3-acetic acid hydrazide with metal ions Fe(III),Zn(II) and Ni(III) ASIAN RESONANCE 2020-04-28
82 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Synthesis,electronic spectral study and antifungal evaluation of mixed ligand complex of dibasic tridentate Schiff base and naphthoic acid with transition metal ions asian journal of chemistry 2019-03-28
83 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Structural and biological studies on transition metal complexes of some substituted oxazoline Progressive Agriculture 2019-01-20
84 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Effect of ultraviolet radiation on plants Annals of Horticulture 2019-01-16
85 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Studies on mixed ligand complexes of Iron III metal with dibasic tridentate schiff's bases as primary and naphthoic acid as co-ligand Annals of Horticulture 2019-01-10
86 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Synthesis,stereochemical and biological studies of mono-nitrophenol complexes with benzofurathiosemicarbazide ligand ASIAN JOUIRNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2018-08-01
87 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Synthesis and antifungal study of mixed ligand complex of Ni(II) with dibasic tridentate Schiff base as primary and naphthoic acid as co-ligand ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2018-05-01
88 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Studies on mixed ligand complexes of copper metal with thiosemicarbazones as primary and naphthoic acid as co-Ligand Invertis Journal of Science &Technology 2016-09-01
89 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Stereo Chemical and Biological Investigation on Nickel Complex of Benzofuran-2-carboxy-phenyl Thiosemicarbazide Ligand Invertis Journal of Science &Technology 2016-09-01
90 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Studies on mixed ligand complexes of copper metal with dibasic tridentate schiff's bases as primary and naphthoic acid as co-ligand Annals of Horticulture 2016-01-16
91 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Synthesis and fungitoxic studies of manganese(II),cobalt(II),nickel(II),copper(II) with some hetrocyclic Schiffs base ligand Global Sci Tech 2014-02-15
92 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Synthesis and characterization of manganese(II),cobalt(II),nickel (II),copper(II),complexes of Schiffs base derivatives of 3acetyl 4-hydroxy coumarin Global Sci Tech 2014-02-15
93 Dr.MUKTI VERMA Synthesis & characterization of '3D metal complexes with 2 –(Furan- 2- formyl imino) sulphanil amido thiazole thiazole International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences 2010-04-15
94 Prof. R. K. Soni Poly(ethylene terephthalate) waste recycling and uses for enhancement of bioremediation of arsenic in groundwater Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 2021-09-01
95 Prof. R. K. Soni Facile synthesis, characterization, and ab-initio DFT simulations of energy efficient NN dialkyl 1,4 benzene dicarboxamide monomers recovered from PET bottle waste Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2020-11-15
96 Prof. R. K. Soni Novel dual peptisers and curing agents derived from PET waste as N-alkyl benzene dicarboxamides for EDPM waste Applied Innovative Research (AIR) 2020-10-19
97 Prof. R. K. Soni Flame Profile Measurement of Cu (II) based Salen Complex Filled Thermally Stabilized PVC Sheets by Cone Calorimeter Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 2020-07-01
98 Prof. R. K. Soni Improvement of Thermal Insulation and Crack Resistance of Plaster of Paris Composites at High Temperature Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 2020-04-01
99 Prof. R. K. Soni Studies on Release of Fluconazole from different Water Soluble PEG Ointment formulations biotech today 2020-01-02
100 Prof. R. K. Soni A review on Environmental Implications of Disposal of Plastic Waste in Special Reference to Polyethylene terephthalate biotech today 2020-01-02
101 Prof. R. K. Soni Prevention of poly (vinyl chloride) degradation through organic terephthalamides generated from poly (ethylene terephthalate) waste Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2019-10-20
102 Prof. R. K. Soni Structure-based rational design, synthesis, crystal structure, DFT and molecular docking of 1, 4-benzene dicarboxamide isomers with application as hardeners New Journal of Chemistry 2019-04-12
103 Prof. R. K. Soni Salen type copper (II) complexes as flame retardants for PVC sheets Journal of scientific and industrial research 2019-01-01
104 Prof. R. K. Soni Applications of finite element modelling in failure analysis of laminated glass composites: A review Engineering Failure Analysis 2018-12-01
105 Prof. R. K. Soni Photocured characteristics of fast photocurable acrylic formulations and investigations by differential photo calorimeter Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2018-11-19
106 Prof. R. K. Soni Serum zinc levels as a predictor of severity of acute diarrhea Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2017-11-20
107 Prof. R. K. Soni Assessment of heavy metal contamination zones of biota of Western Uttar Pradesh Terrain, India using atomic absorption spectroscopy International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 2017-09-13
108 Prof. R. K. Soni Depolymerization of PET waste to potentially applicable aromatic amides: Their characterization and DFT study Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2017-08-15
109 Prof. R. K. Soni TGA Decomposition and Flame Profile Measurement of Terephthalamide Stabilized PVC by Cone Calorimeter Journal of scientific and industrial research 2017-07-01
110 Prof. R. K. Soni Dual purpose Br-containing Schiff base Cu (II) complexes for DSSC dyes and polymer flame retardants Journal of the Korean Chemical Society 2017-06-20
111 Prof. R. K. Soni Chemical Degradation of Poly (ethylene terephthalate) for Potential Antimicrobial Activity Evaluation and Molecular Docking Study Journal of Polymers and the Environment 2017-03-24
112 Prof. R. K. Soni Fracture Analysis of UV cured Acrylic Resin Interlayer Based Laminated Glasses Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 2017-03-01
113 Prof. R. K. Soni Studies On Antimicrobial Activity Of Terephthalamide And Its Complex With La-N Biotech Today: An International Journal of Biological Sciences 2017-01-01
114 Prof. R. K. Soni Applications of egg shell and egg shell membrane as adsorbents: a review Journal of Molecular Liquids 2016-11-01
115 Prof. R. K. Soni Improvement in impact properties of laminated glass panels through surface treatment and silane coupling agent Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 2016-06-01
116 Prof. R. K. Soni Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of novel amide synthesized from nonbiodegradable PET waste Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 2016-02-01
117 Prof. R. K. Soni Comparative Anaerobic Fermentation of Pure Glycerol and Crude Glycerol by Klebsiella spp. for the Production of 1, 3-Propanediol Environment & Ecology 2015-07-24
118 Prof. R. K. Soni Polymer interlayers for glass lamination-a review International Journal of Science and Research 2014-08-01
119 Prof. R. K. Soni Studies on the effect of Acrylic acid & Methyl-meth-acrylate monomers on the Viscoelastic behavior of Divinylester resin of Bisphenol-A UV cured sheets IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry 2014-08-01
120 Prof. R. K. Soni Synthesis and characterization of bis-amino ethyl terephthalamide from PET waste and its applications as hardener in DGEBA International Journal of Plastics Technology 2014-05-24
121 Prof. R. K. Soni Antifungal studies of terephthalic dihydrazide (TPD) generated from PET waste International Transactions in Applied Sciences 2014-01-03
122 Prof. R. K. Soni A review on synthesis of value added products from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste Polymer Science Series B 2013-08-15
123 Prof. R. K. Soni Synthesis and characterization of polymeric plasticizer from PET waste and its applications in nitrile rubber and nitrile PVC blend Iranian Polymer Journal 2013-04-27
124 Prof. R. K. Soni Kinetic Studies on Cure Kinetics of DGEBA (Diglycidyl Ether of Bisphenol-A) with Terephthalamide Hardening System generated from PET waste Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science 2013-03-29
125 Prof. R. K. Soni Kinetic Studies on Cure Kinetics of DGEBA (Diglycidyl Ether of Bisphenol-A) with Terephthalamide Hardening System generated from PET waste Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science 2013-01-01
126 Prof. R. K. Soni Thermal stability and crystallization behavior of TER blends of isotactic polypropylene (iPP)/ethylene-propylene diene rubber (EPDM)/nitrile rubber (NBR) International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 2012-10-01
127 Prof. R. K. Soni Derivation and verification of kinetics equation for degradation of chlorophyll in extract obtained from leaves of some weeds Indian Journal of Scientific Research 2011-07-01
128 Prof. R. K. Soni Degradation (SEM) study of hazardous PET waste flakes during aminolysis with hydrazine monohydrate International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications 2011-01-01
129 Prof. R. K. Soni Effect of various organic solvents on extraction and degradation of chlorophyll in leaves of Parthenium hysterophorus Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture 2011-01-01
130 Prof. R. K. Soni Studies on synthesis and characterization of a novel acrylic aromatic amide oligomer of aminolysed endproducts generated from pet waste with hydrazine monohydrate and its photocuring with acrylate monomer Journal of applied polymer science 2010-10-15
131 Prof. R. K. Soni FTIR and FT Raman spectra of complex of La(III) with 6 aminouracil AIP Conference Proceedings 2010-08-06
132 Prof. R. K. Soni Scanning electron microscopic study of hazardous waste flakes of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) by aminolysis and ammonolysis Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010-06-15
133 Prof. R. K. Soni Tautomeric and Electronic Properties of Biomolecule 2-Thiocytosine International Journal of Current Chemistry 2010-04-02
134 Prof. R. K. Soni Studies on synthesis and characterization of N-alkyl terephthalamides using different amines from polyethylene terephthalate waste Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2010-03-05
135 Prof. R. K. Soni Effect of dynamic cross-linking on mixing torque behavior and tensile yield behavior of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) / ethylene-propylene diene rubber (EPDM) /nitrile rubber (NBR) elastomeric blends Journal of Polymer Research 2009-08-12
136 Prof. R. K. Soni A novel route of Synthesis, Characterization of Terephthalic dihydrazine (TPD) from Polyethylene Terephthalic Waste and its applications in PVC compounding of plasticizer Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2009-04-14
137 Prof. R. K. Soni Studies on biodegradability of copolymers of lactic acid, terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol Polymer Degradation and Stability 2009-03-01
138 Prof. R. K. Soni Spectroscopic investigation of end products obtained by ammonolysis of poly (ethylene terephthalate) waste in the presence of zinc acetate as a catalyst Journal of Polymer Research 2007-10-17
139 Prof. R. K. Soni History, characteristics and chemistry of a nature's sweetener, Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) Indian Journal of Crop Science 2007-01-01
140 Prof. R. K. Soni Vibrational spectra and thermodynamics of biomolecule: Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (IJPAP) 2006-09-01
141 Prof. R. K. Soni Synthesis and characterization of terephthalamides from poly (ethylene terephthalate) waste Journal of applied polymer science 2005-06-05
142 Prof. R. K. Soni The effect of bismaleimide resin on curing kinetics of epoxy amine thermosets Journal of applied polymer science 1996-10-24
143 Prof. R. K. Soni Studies on kinetics of thermally initiated radical polymerization of divinyl ester monomers polymer international 1995-04-30
144 Prof. R. K. Soni Recent developments in thermally curable and photocurable systems Progress in Polymer Science 1994-01-01
145 Prof. R. K. Soni Studies on the kinetics of radical initiated photocopolymerisation of di(vinyl 2-hydroxy propanoate) ether of bisphenol-A and monomers polymer international 1993-01-01
146 Prof. R. K. Soni Stabilization of polyurethane films against thermal and photo-oxidative degradation Polymer Degradation and Stability 1993-01-01
147 Prof. R. K. Soni Studies on Kinetics of Bulk Polymerization of Divinyl Ester by Radical Initiated Thermal and PhotoPolymerisation polymer international 1992-08-13
148 Prof. R. K. Soni Studies on the Kinetics of Photoinitiated Radical Polymerisation of Modified Epoxy Resin polymer international 1992-01-01


S.No. Name Publication Title Publisher Year of Publication
1 Dr. MeenuTeotia Chapter in an Edited Books Nanoparticles and Plant-Microbe interaction Combating Climate change with Nanoparticles 2023-04-13
2 Dr. MeenuTeotia Book Authored Polymer Science and Technology Shree Publishers 2022-09-22
3 Dr. MeenuTeotia Chapter in an Edited Books Applications of Calorimetry Cone Calorimetry in Fire-Resistant Materials 2022-06-23
4 Dr. MeenuTeotia Chapter in an Edited Books Composites in Biomedical Engineering Vol 1 Thermoset matrices Light Mediated Thermoset Polymers 2019-03-29
5 Dr. MeenuTeotia Chapter in an Edited Books Energy Conservation and Environment Protection Renewable Energy Resources: Challenges and Advancement 2016-11-01
6 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chapter in an Edited Books Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies and Devices Springer/Zero waste as an approach to develop a clean and sustainable society 2022-03-08
7 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chapter in an Edited Books Green Materials for Wastewater Treatment Springer/Cost effective green material for the removal of pesticides from aqueous medium 2019-03-07
8 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chapter in an Edited Books Engineering of Biomaterials for drug delivery systems. 1st Edition. Beyond Polyethylene Glycol, Elseveir/Polyzwiterions: a viable approach for drug delivery beyond pegylated materials 2018-07-25
9 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chapter in an Edited Books Construction and Building Materials Intech publisher/Flyash As a Resource Material in Construction Industry: A Clean Approach to Environment Management 2018-07-25
10 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chapter in an Edited Books Handbook of Research on the Adverse Effects of Pesticide Pollution in Aquatic Ecosystems IGI GLOBAL PUBLISHER/Pesticides as Occupational Hazard: facts and Figures 2018-05-25
11 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chapter in an Edited Books Life Science: Recent Innovation and Research International research publishers and distributors/BIOREMEDIATION TECHNOLOGY AS A TOOL FOR MANAGEMENT OF HEAVY METAL POLLUTION 2016-10-14
12 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chapter in an Edited Books Energy Conservation and Environment Protection (ECEP) International Research Publication/Renewable Energy Resources: Challenges and Advancement 2016-10-13
13 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chapter in an Edited Books Advances in Multifunctional Materials Ideal Book Publishers and distributers/Graphene Based Polymer Composites and their Receptor Specific Tailored Molecular Imprinted 2016-02-26
14 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chapter in an Edited Books Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Biomimetic Catalysts Elseveir/Molecularly Imprinted Catalysts: Synthesis and Applications. 2015-09-30
15 Dr. Nazia Tarannum Chapter in an Edited Books Medical Microbiology Book, Microbiology as an Occupational Hazard: Risk and Challenges -
18 Prof. R. K. Soni Chapter in an Edited Books Conducting Polymers for Advanced energy Applications Application of 2D Materials in Conducting Polymers for High Capacity Batteries 2021-12-23
19 Prof. R. K. Soni Chapter in an Edited Books Hazardous Gases ARSINE: RISK ASSESSMENT, ENVIRONMENT, AND HEALTH HAZARD 2021-08-06
20 Prof. R. K. Soni Chapter in an Edited Books Composites in Biomedical Engineering Vol 1 Thermoset matrices Light mediated Thermoset Polymers 2019-03-29
21 Prof. R. K. Soni Book Authored Life & the Perils of Environment SR Scientific publishers Agra -
22 Prof. R. K. Soni Book Authored Bioorganic chemistry Shree publishers & distributors, New Delhi -
23 Prof. R. K. Soni Book Authored Bio-Inorganic Chemistry Shree publishers & distributors, New Delhi -
24 Prof. R. K. Soni Book Authored Analytical Chemistry Shree publishers & distributors, New Delhi -
25 Prof. R. K. Soni Book Authored Engineering Chemistry Shree publishers & distributors, New Delhi -


S.No. Patent Application No. Inventor's Name Title Applicant's Name Assignee's Name (Institute Affiliation's at time of Application)
1 202311011317 A R. K. Soni, Meenu Teotia and Mohit Chauhan HIGH IMPACT RESISTANT THERMALLY INSULATED COMPOSITES AND A PROCESS FOR PREPARATION THEREOF Ch. charan Singh University, Meerut Ch. charan Singh University, Meerut
2 202211032117 A R. K. Soni, Meenu Teotia and Mohit Chauhan THERMAL CURABLE HIGH IMPACT RESISTANT LAMINATED GLASS AND A PROCESS FOR PREPERATION THEREOF Ch. charan Singh University, Meerut Ch. charan Singh University, Meerut
3 201711008007 R. K. Soni and Meenu Teotia A UV curable and High Impact Resistant formulation and a Process for the Preparation thereof Ch. charan Singh University, Meerut Ch. charan Singh University, Meerut
5 201911007321 Nazia Tarannum AN INSTANT MIX WATER RESISTANT ADHESIVE AND A METHOD TO PREPARE THE SAME Chaudhary Charan Singh University Meerut Chaudhary Charan Singh University Meerut
6 201711008007 R. K. Soni and Meenu Teotia A UV curable and High Impact Resistant formulation and a Process for the Preparation thereof Ch. charan Singh University, Meerut Ch. charan Singh University, Meerut
7 239/DEL/2007 R. K. Soni and Dr. Vandana Yadav Development of Novel UV and Thermal Curable Formulations for Glasses for structural and Architectural applications Ch. charan Singh University, Meerut Ch. charan Singh University, Meerut
8 238/DEL/2007 R. K. Soni and Dr. Vandana Yadav A method of preparing novel organic thermal stabilizers for PVC Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut



Name of Faculty Award Year Organization
Prof. R.K. Soni Best Teacher Award 2009 Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut
Prof. R.K. Soni Platinum Jubilee Lecture award 2014 Indian Science Congress Association
Prof. R.K. Soni Pride of India Award 2022 22nd Global leadership Summit
Prof. R.K. Soni Research excellence Award 2022 Anti Corruption Movement Bharat
Dr. Nazia Tarannum VIFa Young Faculty Award 2016 Venus International Faculty Award
Dr. Nazia Tarannum Young Researcher Award 2020 Institute of Scholars
Dr. Nazia Tarannum Young Scientist Award 2022 Institute of Researchers
Dr. Nazia Tarannum Innovative Teacher Award in Chemistry 2022 International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation Institute of Higher education and Research
Dr. Nazia Tarannum Encouragement Award 2022 Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut
Dr. Meenu Teotia Research and Innovation Award 2019 2022 Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust
Dr. Manisha Bhardwaj Research and Innovation Award 2019 2022 Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust


The Department has obtained seven patents through Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Centre, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Three patents have been granted by Controller General of Patent, Govt. of India to the University for a period of 20 years.

1. "A method of preparing novel organic thermal stabilizers for PVC" (Patent No. 251416). Patent Application No. 238/DEL/2007 dt 1/2/2007 has been granted.

2. "A method for the preparation of plasticizers" (Patent No. 251753). Patent Application No. 239/DEL/2007 dt 1/2/2007 has been granted.

3. Application for obtaining patent for technology for "A Process for conversion of PET Waste into Terephthalic Acid & monoethylene glycol" Patent Application No. 129/DEL/2006 dt 18/01/2006 filed through TIFAC.

4. A UV curable and High Impact Resistant formulation and a Process for the Preparation thereof. Application No. 201711008007 dt 09 December, 2018 has been published.

5. “An instant mix water resistant adhesive and a method to prepare the same”.  Patent Application No. 20191 1007321 A. dt 04 September, 2019 has been granted (2021).

6. “Thermal curable high impact resistant Laminated glass and process for preparation thereof” Patent Application No. 202211032117A. dt 5 June, 2022 has been published.

7. “A Multicomponent Polymeric Anti-Termite Formulation and A Method to Prepare the Same” Application No. 202211035908 dt 2 September 2022 has been published.

8. “Novel Method of Oil Extraction from Rhizomes of A.Calcarta and product thereof. Patent Application No. 20221 1042833 A dt 26/07/2022 has been published.


Manufacturing of Polymeric Plasticizer

The Technology for manufacturing of polymeric plasticizer from PET waste has been exclusively given to M/S National Moulding Co. Ltd., Calcutta, West Bengal for payment of Rs. 4.13 lacs. The pilot plant has been designed and tested in the industry and now the industry is commercializing their technology by putting up commercial plant. This technology was also examined by Technology Development Board and found suitable for funding this project for Rs. 9.0 Crores as soft loan to the industry. The industry has now signed agreement for commercializing of the technology with Technology Development Board, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi.


A Technology Transfer Function for Manufacturing of Laminated Glasses was organised on 29th August 2022 at Seminar Hall of Department of Chemistry, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut. In 2015, a research project entitled, “Development of novel UV and thermal curable formulation for glasses for structural and architectural applications” was sanctioned by Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India to Prof. R.K. Soni (Rs.88 Lakhs). The project was also supported financially by M/s Sidhivinayak Enterprises, Ludhiana. Three techniques were developed during the course of research work of three years due to which architectural glass, automobile glass and security glass can be manufactured.

Polyvinyl butyral (PVB) is the most used interlayer material. In India, PVB sheets are imported majorly from China and used in the manufacturing of safety glasses. The main consumer of these products are Railways, Automobiles, High rise buildings (structural and architectural), Defense, Aircrafts, Marine vessels and in domestic applications.

In this research work, Prof. R.K. Soni and Dr. Meenu Teotia developed a technology for manufacturing of laminated glasses. The developed interlayer by inventors is cheap, easy to fabricate and is superior alternative to interlayer materials that is being imported to manufacture laminated glasses. A patent has been published for this work. This has added a feather in cap of the Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut. This is the very first time in Ch. Charan Singh University that an industry has funded a research project and the developed technology has been transferred.

Time Table

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