Genetics & Plant Breeding

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Department Overview

Head of Department: Prof. Rahul Kumar

The department of Agricultural Botany was established in 1969, initially to impart education to M.Phil. (a pre-requisite for Ph.D.) students with specialization in the field of Genetics & Plant Breeding (including Biometrics Genetics and Cytogenetics). Regular M.Sc. Ag. program was started in the year 1980. In the light of the tremendous advances made in biological sciences all over the world, as also the requirement of this region, the courses and research priorities have been accordingly modified. Courses of current scientific importance like Application of Computer Technology in Agriculture and technology in crop improvement are also included in M.Sc. Ag. program.

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Programme/ Courses

The department is currently offering the following programmes of study:

Ph.D. (Genetics and Plant Breeding)

Ph.D. (Genetics and Plant Breeding)
About Programme:

The department has facilities for research work leading to Ph.D. degree. The areas of specialization include Plant Breeding and Biometrical Genetics, Crop Biotechnology and Genomics Bioinformatics, Abiotic and Biotic Stress, Molecular Virology, Seed Technology, Cytogenetics, Induced Mutations and Agricultural Nanotechnology.

Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

M.Sc. Ag. (Genetics and Plant Breeding) Programme (CBCS)

M.Sc. Ag. (Genetics and Plant Breeding) Programme (CBCS)
About Programme:

It is a two–year (four semesters) full time course in CBCS mode. It includes 16 theory courses (4 in each semester) and four practical courses (one in each semester) with an open elective in any two semesters. Besides course work, all M.Sc. (Ag.) students are required to complete their thesis based on the research work conducted in the Department


2 Years (4 Semester)

Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:

Four years bachelor‟s degree in Agriculture with 50% marks in the aggregate for Gen/OBC candidates.

M.Sc. (Ag.) (as per ICAR Recommendations)

M.Sc. (Ag.) (as per ICAR Recommendations)
About Programme:
Number of Seats:
Eligibility Conditions:


Head & Professor

Dr. Rahul Kumar

M.Sc.(Ag.), N.E.T. ,M.Phil, Ph.D.

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Prof. Shailendra S. Gaurav

M.Sc.(Ag.), N.E.T, Ph.D.

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Prof. P.K. Sharma

M.Sc. (Ag), M.Phil., Ph.D., NET

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Prof. Shailendra Sharma

M.Sc. (Biotechnology), N.E.T., G.A.T.E., Ph.D.

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Associate Professor

Dr. Dharmendra Pratap

M.Sc. (Biotechnology), N.E.T., G.A.T.E., Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor

Dr. Sachin Kumar

M.Sc.(Ag.), Ph.D.

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Vinay Panwar

M.Sc., G.A.T.E., Ph.D.

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Emeritus Professor

P.K. Gupta

M.Sc. (Botany), Ph.D., FNA, FNASc.,FNAAS

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S.P. Singh

M.Sc.(Ag.), M.Phil, Ph.D.

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H.S. Balyan

M.Sc. (Botany), Ph.D., FNA, FNASc.,FNAAS

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Programme Name Download New/ Revised Syllabus
M. Sc. (Ag.) Genetics and Plant Breeding
M.Sc. (Ag.) (as per ICAR Recommendations)
M.Sc. (Ag.) Genetics and Plant Breeding (New)
Ph.D. Genetics and Plant Breeding (w.e.f.2023-24)

State-of-the-Arts Laboratory Facilities: The department has well equipped laboratories for conducting research in front line areas like Crop Biotechnology, Plant Virology, Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics. The department also has excellent farm facilities for conducting field research. The equipment includes Ultracentrifuges, PCR machines, Deep Freezers (-80°C and -20°C), Growth Chambers, Gel Doc Station, Light and Fluorescent Microscope etc.

Plant Growth Chamber: Department has walk-in chamber for growing plant under controlled condition. 

Rain simulation Chamber: This facility is being used for screen of experimental lines for pre-harvest sprouting.

Computer Cell: All labs and lecture rooms are fitted with computers with internet connectivity and multimedia facilities that cater to the needs of scientists, administrative staff and students.

Departmental Library: The division library has excellent collections of books/magazines/journals in genetics, cytogenetics, plant breeding, molecular biology and biotechnology along with  reprints of publications by scientists of the Division.

Dr. Swaminathan Seminar Hall: The department has its own seminar Hall with modern audio-visual facilities such as LCD Projector.

Meeting room: A meeting room for a small round bench talk facility is available.

Research Farm: Department has ~25 acre of agriculture land for field experiments with irrigation facilities and field equipment’s.

Apart from these the department has practical Laboratories available for PG teaching.


Students selected on various scientific positions in research institutes, faculty positions in Indian and foreign Universities and colleges, Scientists/Breeders in seed companies and other private companies etc.

Research & Publications


S.No. Author Name Title Name of Journal Month & Year of Publication
1 Dr. Dharmendra Pratap Structural, optical and antimicrobial properties of pure and Ag-doped ZnO nanostructures Journal of Semiconductors 2022-07-01
8 Dr. Rahul Kumar WheatQTLdb: a QTL database for wheat Molecular Genetics and Genomics 2022-07-11
9 Dr. Rahul Kumar Meta-QTLs, ortho-MetaQTLs, and candidate genes for grain Fe and Zn contents in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 2022-03-28
10 Dr. Rahul Kumar Genomics Associated Interventions for Heat Stress Tolerance in Cool Season Adapted Grain Legumes International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021-12-30
11 Dr. Rahul Kumar Molecular mapping of popping volume QTL in popcorn (Zea maize L.) Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2021-01-21
12 Dr. Rahul Kumar Genetics of yield, abiotic stress tolerance, and biofortification in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2020-04-06
13 Dr. Rahul Kumar Introgression of powdery mildew resistance from Aegilops triuncialis into wheat through induced homeologous pairing. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2020-02-14
14 Dr. Rahul Kumar Precise transfers of genes for high grain iron and zinc from wheat-Aegilops substitution lines into wheat through pollen irradiation. Molecular Breeding 2018-05-27
15 Dr. Sachin Kumar Identification and characterization of 20S proteasome genes and their relevance to heat/drought tolerance in bread wheat. Gene Reports 2022-06-01
16 Dr. Sachin Kumar Pyramiding of genes for grain protein content, grain quality, and rust resistance in eleven Indian bread wheat cultivars: a multi-institutional effort. Molecular Breeding 2022-04-10
17 Dr. Sachin Kumar Reverse genetic approaches for breeding nutrient-rich and climate-resilient cereal and food legume crops Heredity 2022-03-05
18 Dr. Sachin Kumar Genomics Associated Interventions for Heat Stress Tolerance in Cool Season Adapted Grain Legumes International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021-12-30
19 Dr. Sachin Kumar Meta-QTLs, ortho-MetaQTLs, and candidate genes for thermotolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Molecular Breeding 2021-11-01
20 Dr. Sachin Kumar WheatQTLdb: a QTL database for wheat. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 2021-09-29
21 Dr. Sachin Kumar WheatQTLdb: A QTL database for wheat. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 2021-09-01
22 Dr. Sachin Kumar Development of white-grained PHS-tolerant wheats with high grain protein and leaf rust resistance Molecular Breeding 2021-06-22
23 Dr. Sachin Kumar Mapping of Ug99 stem rust resistance in Canadian durum wheat. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 2020-10-23
24 Dr. Sachin Kumar The wheat dwarf India virus-betasatellite complex has a wider host range than previously reported Plant Health Progress 2020-04-24
25 Dr. Sachin Kumar High-density genetic mapping of a major QTL for resistance to multiple races of loose smut in a tetraploid wheat cross PLoS ONE 2018-02-27
26 Dr. Sachin Kumar Genetic mapping of common bunt resistance and plant height QTL in wheat Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2016-02-01
27 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Identification of genomic regions associated with cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae Woll.) resistance in spring and winter wheat Scientific Reports 2023-04-11
28 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Genetic mapping identified three hotspot genomic regions and candidate genes controlling heat tolerance-related traits in groundnut Frontiers in Plant Science 2023-03-23
29 Dr. Shailendra Sharma GWAS scans of cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) resistance in Indian wheat germplasm Molecular Genetics and Genomics 2023-02-04
30 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Validation of resistance to cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) and yield performance study in doubled haploid lines of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 2022-11-14
31 Dr. Shailendra Sharma WheatQTLdb V2.0: a supplement to the database for wheat QTL Molecular Breeding 2022-09-16
32 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Physiological role and biofortification of zinc in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Plant Physiology Reports 2022-08-16
33 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Indian Wheat Genomics Initiative for Harnessing the Potential of Wheat Germplasm Resources for Breeding Disease-Resistant, Nutrient-Dense, and Climate-Resilient Cultivars Fronteirs in Genetics 2022-06-29
34 Dr. Shailendra Sharma QTL mapping for resistance against cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae Woll.) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Scientific Reports 2022-06-10
35 Dr. Shailendra Sharma QTL mapping for resistance against cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae Woll.) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Scientific Reports 2022-06-10
36 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Meta-QTLs, ortho-MetaQTLs and candidate genes for grain Fe and Zn contents in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 2022-03-01
37 Dr. Shailendra Sharma GWAS for main effects and epistatic interactions for grain morphology traits in wheat. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 2022-03-01
38 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Multi-locus genome-wide association mapping for spike-related traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) BMC Genomics 2021-08-05
39 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Genome-wide association study in hexaploid wheat identifies novel genomic regions associated with resistance to root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) Scientific Reports 2021-08-01
40 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Single-trait, multi-locus, and multi-trait GWAS using four different models for yield traits in bread wheat Molecular Breeding 2021-07-29
41 Dr. Shailendra Sharma WheatQTLdb: a QTL database for wheat. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 2021-06-11
42 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Biofortification and bioavailability of Zn, Fe, and Se in wheat: Present status and future prospects Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2021-01-01
43 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Genetics of yield, abiotic stress tolerance, and biofortification in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2020-04-06
44 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Winter hardiness of Miscanthus (II): Genetic mapping for overwintering ability and adaptation traits in three interconnected Miscanthus Global Change Biology Bioenergy 2019-05-10
45 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of Indian garlic (Allium sativum L.) collection using SSR markers Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 2018-12-10
46 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure in gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort.) by ISSR markers Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 2018-04-07
47 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Genetic mapping of biomass yield in three interconnected Miscanthus populations Global Change Biology Bioenergy 2018-03-01
48 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev) germplasm based on RAPD markers. Journal of Environmental Biology 2017-05-28
49 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Are pectin esterase inhibitor genes involved in mediating resistance to Rhynchosporium commune in barley? PLoS ONE 2016-03-03
50 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Can chilling tolerance of C4 photosynthesis in Miscanthus be transferred to sugarcane? Global Change Biology Bioenergy 2016-03-01
51 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Comparative QTL Analysis for Marker-Assisted Breeding of Root Lesion Nematode Resistance in Barley. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2014-04-20
52 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Comparative genetic diversity analysis in chrysanthemum: A pilot study based on morpho-agronomic traits and ISSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae 2014-03-06
53 Dr. Shailendra Sharma MutMap+: Genetic Mapping and Mutant Identification without Crossing in Rice. PLoS One 2013-07-01
54 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Deployment of Burkholderiaglumae type III secretion system as an efficient tool for translocating pathogen effectors to monocot cells. The Plant Journal 2013-03-02
55 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Mutation in OsLMS, a gene encoding a protein with two double-stranded RNA binding motifs, causes lesion mimic and early senescence in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Genes and Genetic System 2012-06-30
56 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Sequence variation in the barley genes encoding sucrose synthase I and sucrose phosphate synthase II, and its association with variation in grain traits and malting quality. Euphytica 2012-03-01
57 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Screening of barley germplasm for resistance to root lesion nematodes. Plant Genetic Resources 2011-03-16
58 Dr. Shailendra Sharma QTL analysis for thousand-grain weight under terminal drought stress in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica 2011-02-06
59 Dr. Shailendra Sharma QTL analysis of root-lesion nematode resistance in barley: 1. Pratylenchus neglectus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2011-01-06
60 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Delineating the structural, functional, and evolutionary relationships of sucrose phosphate synthase gene family II in wheat and related grasses BMC Plant Biology 2010-06-30
61 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Genetic diversity in Indian common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 2009-01-26
62 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Isolation and temporal endospermal expression of g-kafirin gene of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) var. M 35-1 for introgression analysis of transgene. Journal of Cereal Science 2008-11-30
63 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Assessment of genetic diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) Scientia Horticulturae 2008-04-04
64 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Colonization behavior of bacterium Burkholderia cepacia inside the Oryza sativa roots visualized using green fluorescent protein reporter. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2007-11-14
65 Dr. Shailendra Sharma A preliminary genetic analysis of fibre traits and the use of new genomic SSRs for genetic diversity in jute. Euphytica 2007-10-30
66 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Development and use of anchored-SSRs to study DNA polymorphism in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Molecular Ecology Notes 2006-03-01
67 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Development and Use of SSRs of Bread Wheat for Genetic and Physical mapping and Transferability to the Species of Triticum-Aegilops Complex Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 2005-06-06
68 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Adaptive Ribosomal DNA polymorphism at a mosaic microsite Newe Ya'ar in Israel. Plant Science 2004-06-30
69 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Ribosomal DNA polymorphism and its association with geographical and climatic variables in 27 wild barley populations from Jordan. Plant Science 2004-02-29
70 Dr. Shailendra Sharma DNA polymorphism among 18 species of Triticum-Aegilops complex using wheat EST-SSRs. Plant Science 2004-02-27
72 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Transferable EST- SSR markers for the study of polymorphism and genetic diversity in bread wheat. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 2003-09-24
73 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Polymorphism at rDNA loci in barley and its relation with climatic variables Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2002-02-27
74 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Comparative analysis of diversity based on morpho-agronomic traits and microsatellite markers in common bean. Euphytica ---
75 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Genomics approaches used to control plant parasitic nematodes. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ---
76 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Long non-coding RNA-mediated epigenetic response for abiotic stress tolerance in plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry ---
77 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Mapping of QTLs and meta-QTLs for Heterodera avenae Woll. resistance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) BMC Plant Biology ---
78 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Biosorption of Lead (Pb) Through Eichhornia Crassipes Biomass International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 2020-07-01
79 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Health benefits of nutritive value and qualitative symptoms in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus): A Review International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 2020-06-02
80 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Evaluation of larvicidal effect of mycogenic silver nanoparticles against white grubs (Holotrichia sp). Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2020-03-01
81 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Analysis of Inconsistency Parameters in Okra (A. esculentus L.) IJRAR 2020-01-01
82 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav To Raise the Polyclonal Immuno-Probe(s) and Development of Enzyme Immuno-Assay for Detection of Cross Reactivity of Alternaria brassicae and their Different Isolates. Int. J. Sci. Res. in Biological Sciences 2019-06-30
83 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Synthesis and Applications of Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles. J. Biol. Chem. Research 2019-06-04
84 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Epigenomics Projects in Crop Plants: An Ocean of Possibilities. J. Biol. Chem. Research 2019-06-04
85 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles as Potential Fungicide against Fusarium Wilt Disease J. Biol. Chem. Research 2019-06-04
86 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Synthesis and Applications of Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles. J. Biol. Chem. Research 2019-06-04
87 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Synthesis and Applications of Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles. 36 (1): 1-4, 2019 Journal of Biological and Chemical Research 2019-05-19
88 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Evaluation of wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) for assessment of character association, path coefficient, and cluster analysis. Indian J. Agric. Res. 2018-05-29
89 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Analysis of variability, heritability, and genetic advance for yield and yield-related traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 2017-08-01
90 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Biochemical Characterization of aluminum-induced wheat genotypes Progressive Research 2016-01-01
91 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Bio-fortification: A Tool to solve World Malnutrition National Seminar on Managing Crop Productivity for Food Security in Changing Climate Scenario at Janta College, Bakewar 2015-03-28
92 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Mutagenic studies in Soybean (Glycine max (l) Merril)-A Review Frontiers in Crop Improvement 2015-01-01
93 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Breeding strategy for organic farming in green legumes: An Overview Progressive Research 2015-01-01
94 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Evaluation of Genetic Diversity Using RAPD Markers in Ocimum HortFlora Research Spectrum 2015-01-01
95 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Aluminium Toxicity and resistance in Wheat genotypes European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience 2014-09-19
96 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Study of gene effects and genetics of transgressive segregation for yield and its components in Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) International Journal of Advanced Research 2014-08-01
97 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Drought as a challenge for plant breeder National Conference on Emerging Problems and Recent Advances in Applied Sciences: Basic to Molecular Approaches 2014-02-09
98 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Pearl millet breeding: Achievement strategies and future challenges National Conference on Emerging Problems and Recent Advances in Applied Sciences: Basic to Molecular Approaches 2014-02-08
99 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Potential capacity for supporting capacity grain filling from stem reserves National Conference on Emerging Problems and Recent Advances in Applied Sciences: Basic to Molecular Approaches 2014-02-08
100 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Curcuma angustifolia: Traditional processing, medicinal value, and scope National Conference on Emerging Problems and Recent Advances in Applied Sciences: Basic to Molecular Approaches 2014-02-08
101 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Genetic diversity among Ocimum populations as reflected by morphological characters under subtropical conditions. Frontiers in Crop Improvement 2014-01-01
102 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Genetic variability and association studies in Palmrosa (Cymbopogon martini). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 2014-01-01
103 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Generation mean analysis for quantitative traits in Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 2014-01-01
104 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Quantum dot and their application. National Conference on Emerging Problems and Recent Advances in Applied Sciences: Basic to Molecular Approaches 2014-01-01
105 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Anti-Epileptic activity of Ocimum spp: A brief review. International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology 2013-12-21
106 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Molecular basis of aluminium toxicity in plants: a review. American Journal of Plant Sciences 2013-12-16
107 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Molecular basis of aluminium toxicity in plants: a revie. American Journal of Plant Sciences 2013-12-16
108 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Global Scenario of farmers and plants breeders' rights. International Conference on Global IPR System and WTO Issues 2013-11-16
109 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav An Analysis of Basil (Ocimum spp.) to study the morphological variability. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences 2013-09-01
110 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Genetic variability, correlation coefficient and path analysis of some quantitative traits in bread wheat. J. Wheat Res. 2013-06-10
111 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Genetic variability, heritability, and genetic advance in segregating generations of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Progressive Research 2013-01-01
112 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav An efficient and rapid method of DNA extraction for molecular marker studies in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Vegetos 2012-12-01
113 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Genetic variability, heritability, and genetic advance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Environment & Ecology 2012-11-30
114 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Study of genetic parameters and genetic divergence for yield and yield components of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J. Wheat Res. 2012-11-06
115 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Bioremediation of metal-contaminated sites by naturally growing lichens found in hilly areas of Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Current Research 2012-10-18
116 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Integrated weed management in rainfed chickpea (Cicer arietinum). The Journal of Rural and Agricultural Research 2012-01-01
117 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Symbiotic public-private relationship for improved agriculture. Progressive Research 2012-01-01
118 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Effect of late sowing conditions in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Progressive Research 2012-01-01
119 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Relationship between various traits and field emergence in rice under temperature conditions. Progressive Research 2012-01-01
120 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Enhancing farmers' income and livelihoods through integrated crop and resource management in crop diversification in north India. Journal of Scientific Research 2011-01-01
121 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Impact of climate change on rapeseed-mustard: an overview. J. Sci. Appl. Res. 2011-01-01
122 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav A study of character association and genetic divergence in Ocimum species. J. Sci. Appl. Res. 2011-01-01
123 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Biochemical methods for genetic purity testing of commercial cotton hybrids. Seed Research 2011-01-01
124 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Identification of chemical constituents of different spp. of Basil (Ocimum spp.). Journal of Scientific & Applied Research 2011-01-01
125 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Apomictic Hybrids: Asexual revolution in Agriculture. Zonal Seminar on Physiological and Molecular Interventions for Yield and Quality Improvement in Crop Plants 2010-09-17
126 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Tn5 tagging biomonitoring of Rhizobium inoculants. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science 2010-06-30
127 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Field efficacy of HaNPV against Helicoverpa armigera on tomato in Western Uttar Pradesh. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 2010-01-01
128 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Efficacy and Economics of Biopesticides Combinations and Insecticides against Tomato Fruit Borer. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 2010-01-01
129 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Effect of specific gravity separation and storage environment on the seed quality of Onion (Allium cepa L.). Progressive Agriculture 2010-01-01
130 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Exploration of some indigenous medicinal plants of Kedar Valley: A phytomedicinal study. Journal of Scientific and Applied Research 2010-01-01
131 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Impact of greenhouse gases on climatic change and agriculture. J. Sci. Appl. Res. 2010-01-01
132 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Morphological characterization of cultivars of safed musli (Chlorophytum borivivianum). J. Sci. Appl. Res. 2010-01-01
133 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Assessment of six dwarf mutants of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J. Sci. Appl. Res. 2010-01-01
134 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Correlation association and path coefficient analysis of different parameters affecting seed yield and its components in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czem & Coss). Progressive Agriculture 2010-01-01
135 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Effect of mycorrhiza on growth, yield, and tuber deformity in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown under water stress conditions. Progressive Agriculture 2010-01-01
136 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Biotechnological methods for leather processing and microbial adaptation to xenobiotic in the natural environment. National symposium on Achieving millennium development goals: problems and prospects 2009-10-26
137 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Maintenance breeding of vegetable crops. National symposium on Achieving millennium development goals: problems and prospects 2009-10-25
138 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Seed Quality Enhancement for Sustainable Crop Production. First Indian Agricultural Scientist and Farmers Congress on Technological Innovations for Enhancing Agriculture Production 2009-10-03
139 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Quantitative Analysis of DNA extracted from blood preserved in different anticoagulants for different time intervals. 1st Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmers Congress 2009-10-03
140 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Development of a mutant of Trichoderma citrinoviride for enhanced production of cellulases. Bioresource Technology 2009-02-01
141 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Efficient Nitrogen-fixing Rhizobial isolate infecting Vigna radiata L. Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2009-01-01
142 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Detection of Oxidation Preventive Proteins in the Practitioners of Pranayama. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2009-01-01
143 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Nodulation efficiency in terms of nitrogenase activity of Rhizobium mutants & their wild type. Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2009-01-01
144 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Exopolysaccharides and lipopolysaccharide production by Sinorhizobium fredii Tn 5 mutants infecting Vigna radiata L. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 2009-01-01
145 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Biochemical prediction of resistance in wheat to cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera avenae. International Journal of Nematology 2009-01-01
146 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Study of polymorphism in wheat with different levels of resistance to the cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) using RAPD markers. International Journal of Nematology 2009-01-01
147 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav In-vitro studies on the compatibility of Trichoderma harzianum with chemical and neem pesticides. Progressive Agriculture 2009-01-01
148 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from Holotrichia spp. Progressive Agriculture 2009-01-01
149 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Potential Ability of Rhizopus nigerians to absorb the dye basic fuchsin from aqueous solution. Progressive Research 2009-01-01
150 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Biochemical basis of resistance in wheat on inoculation with cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera avenae. Indian Journal of Nematology 2009-01-01
151 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Relationship among seed yield attributes in rice under temperate conditions. Ind. J. Plant Genet. Resources 2009-01-01
152 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Selection and evaluation of Rhizobial strains of Vigna radiata L. beneficial to biological nitrogen fixation. African Journal of Biotechnology 2008-10-20
153 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Stability analysis for yield and quality character in Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Vegetos 2008-06-01
154 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Biomonitoring of Rhizobial inoculants using TN5 testing. Progressive Research 2008-01-01
155 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Effect of growth stimulants on seed germination and vigour index in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Progressive Research 2008-01-01
156 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Heterosis in Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) Progressive Research 2008-01-01
157 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Genetic variability for yield and quality traits in different strains of Stevia rebuadiana. Progressive Research 2008-01-01
158 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Effect of Loose smut pathogen on plant growth and seed quality parameters of wheat. Seed Science Research 2008-01-01
159 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Combining ability in diallel cross analysis involving heat-tolerant lines of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Annals of Horticulture 2008-01-01
160 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Effect of plant growth regulators on growth, yield, and sex expression in bottle gourd (Lagenaria ciceraria). Plant Archives 2008-01-01
161 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Stability analysis and its parameters for cane yield and quality in sugar (Saccharum officinarum L.). Plant Archives 2008-01-01
162 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Isolation of proteinase inhibitor gene from Lentil (Lens culinaris L.) Indian Journal of Crop Sciences 2007-12-01
163 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Antimicrobial activities of spices. Progressive Agriculture 2007-01-01
164 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Choudhary, S., Gupta, N., Gaurav, S.S., Ahlawat, SPS, and Gupta, S.C. Indian J. Animal Sciences 2007-01-01
165 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Effect of plant growth regulators on yield and sex expression on bottle gourd var. Aishwarya. Progressive Agriculture 2006-01-01
166 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Electrophoretic variation for seed protein of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill.) cultivars. Progressive Agriculture 2004-01-01
167 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Chemical control of loose smut (Ustilago segetum var. tritici) and its effect on seed yield. Progressive Agriculture 2004-01-01
168 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Assessment of mycogenic zinc nano-fungicides against pathogenic early blight (Alternaria solani) of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Materials Today: Proceedings ---
169 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Synthesis of mycogenic silver nanoparticles by Fusarium pallidoroseum and evaluation of its larvicidal effect against white grubs (Holotrichia Sp.) Materials Today: Proceedings ---
170 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Cassytha filiformis L. extract and its characterization. Materials Today: Proceedings ---
171 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Correlation and path analysis of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern and Coss). Progressive Agriculture ---
172 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Microbial activities during the vermicomposting of distillation wastes of aromatic plants. Progressive Research ---
173 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Effect of different salt and pH on the growth of Beauveria bassiana isolates. Progressive Research ---
174 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav A rapid and simple scheme for the standardization of polyherbal drugs. International Journal of Green Pharmacy ---
175 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Nano-fertilizers: A boon to agricultural crops. National Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture & Allied Sciences at Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gwalior (M.P.) ---


S.No. Name Publication Title Publisher Year of Publication
3 Dr. Rahul Kumar Chapter in an Edited Book Physiological, Molecular, and Genetic Perspectives of Wheat Improvement: Advances in Molecular Markers and Their Use in Genetic Improvement of Wheat Springer 2021-01-03
4 Dr. Rahul Kumar Chapter in an Edited Book Physiological, Molecular, and Genetic Perspectives of Wheat Improvement: Genetics and Breeding of Fe and Zn Improvement in Wheat Springer 2021-01-03
5 Dr. Sachin Kumar Chapter in an Edited Book Physiological, Molecular, and Genetic Perspectives of Wheat Improvement: Advances in Molecular Markers and Their Use in Genetic Improvement of Wheat Springer 2020-12-18
6 Dr. Sachin Kumar Chapter in an Edited Book Physiological, Molecular, and Genetic Perspectives of Wheat Improvement: Genetic Dissection for Yield and Yield-Related Traits in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Springer 2020-12-18
7 Dr. Sachin Kumar Chapter in an Edited Book Physiological, Molecular, and Genetic Perspectives of Wheat Improvement: Genetics and Breeding of Fe and Zn Improvement in Wheat Springer 2020-12-18
8 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Chapter in an Edited Book RNA-Based Technologies for Functional Genomics in Plants: CRISPR-Cas12a (Cpf1) and Its Role in Plant Genome Editing Springer, Cham 2021-04-12
9 Dr. Shailendra Sharma Chapter in an Edited Book Physiological, Molecular, and Genetic Perspectives of Wheat Improvement: Genetics and Breeding of Fe and Zn Improvement in Wheat Springer 2020-12-18
10 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Chapter in an Edited Book Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Effects of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized from Waste Extract of Okra Fruit --- 2020-01-01
11 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Chapter in an Edited Book Biodiversity: Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Rights (PPV&FR) Advances in Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Vol. 02 2020-01-01
12 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Chapter in an Edited Book Carbon and Graphene Quantum Dots and their Applications in Agriculture, Biomedical, and Biotechnological --- 2020-01-01
13 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Book Authored Textbook of Genetics Sonali Publications 2014-01-01
14 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Book Authored Agroforestry Sonali Publications 2014-01-01
15 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Book Authored Environmental Education NE Books and Publishers 2014-01-01
16 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Book Authored Textbook of Crop Physiology Aman Publishing House 2014-01-01
17 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Book Authored Globalization of Intellectual Property Right System: Including WTO Issues S.R. Scientific Publications 2014-01-01
18 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Chapter in an Edited Book Microbial Pathogens and Strategies for Combating Them: Science, Technology, and Education: Antimicrobial Activity of Syzygium Aromatic Oil and Its Potential Treatment of Urogenital Infections --- 2013-01-01
19 Dr. Shailendra Singh Gaurav Book Authored Proteomics: A Modern Approach in Life Sciences S.R. Scientific Publications 2007-01-01


S.No. Patent Application No. Inventor's Name Title Applicant's Name Assignee's Name (Institute Affiliation's at time of Application)
1 202211043204 A Dr. Dharmendra Pratap and Jyoti Singh Novel method for green synthesis of soluble nanoparticles and product thereof Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut
2 3091/DEL/2012 A SCIENTIFIC AND APPLIED RESEARCH CENTRE Synergistic Bio-Pesticidal formulation and a process for preparing the same Neeraj Tandon, SS Gaurav and Sachin SCIENTIFIC AND APPLIED RESEARCH CENTRE


The department has so far organized two international symposia on Crop Biotechnology and has conducted 3 training courses for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in the field of Molecular Biology. The students of the department have shown good performance in ARS, CSIR-JRF/NET, GATE and have obtained various scholarships from various agencies. Several students of the department are presently occupying important positions in both public and private sector organizations.

Time Table

Time Table for M.Sc. (Ag.) I and III semesters 2022-2023