Mobile : 9897142947Email :
Navin Chandra Lohani (Member)
Department of Hindi
Mobile : 9412207200Email :
Prof. Jaimala (Member)
Department of Mathematics
Mobile : 9837991844Email :
Prof. Bhupendra Singh (Member)
Department of Statistics
Mobile : 9760484706Email :
Prof. Bindu Sharma (Member)
Department of Zoology
Mobile : 7983339533Email :
Prof. Anuj Kumar (Member)
Department of Physics
Mobile : 9131025706Email :
Prof. Ravindra Sharma (Member)
Department of Economics
Mobile : 9424358256Email :
Dr. Jitender Singh
Department of Microbiology
Mobile : 7017785669Email :
Dr. Sachin Kumar (Member)
Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding
Mobile : 7060504035Email :
Dr. Ram Kumar Gupta (Member)
Shri. Satya Prakash (Member)
Ass. Registrar
Shri. Amit Singh Nayal (Member)
Department of Statistics
Mobile : 8171924864Email :
Km. Shehreen (Member)
Department of Economics Student
Ms. Merika Jayant
Department of Zoology
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC 2022-23
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC 2015-16
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC 2016-17
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC 2017-18
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC 2018-19
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC 2019-20
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC 2020-21
Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC 2021-22
IQAC Meeting 2023-24
IQAC Meetings 2015-16
IQAC Meetings 2016-17
IQAC Meetings 2017-18
IQAC Meetings 2018-19
IQAC Meetings 2019-20
IQAC Meetings 2020-21
IQAC Meetings 2021-22
IQAC Meetings 2022-23
Best Practices 2015-16
Best Practices 2016-17
Best Practices 2017-18
Best Practices 2018-19
Best Practices 2019-20
Best Practices 2020-21
Best Practices 2021-22
IQAC Committee Letter 2015-16
IQAC Committee Letter 2016-17
IQAC Committee Letter 2017-18
IQAC Committee Letter 2018-19
IQAC Committee Letter 2019-20
IQAC Committee Letter 2020-21
IQAC committee letter 2022-23
Posted Date
Revised Report of Screening Committee of Assistant Professor (OBC-01) Dept. of
Genetics & Plant Breeding
Principal- All Colleges/ Institutes (Regarding IQAC workshop on different Subjects)
Report of Screening Committee for the post of Associate Professor (OBC) in the
Department of Statistics
Report of Screening Committee for the post of Professor (SC) in the Department of
IQAC Meetings 2020-21
Regarding: Kaashyipi (The biannual journal of IQAC, Ch. Charan Singh University,
Related to Webinar on NAAC Awareness on 29 June, 2020 at 11.00 AM
Principal / Coordinator I.Q.A.C.- All Colleges / Institutions (workshop on Awareness
of NAAC on 10 Jan 2020)
IQAC Meetings 2018-19
IQAC Meetings 2017-18
IQAC Committee Letter 2016-17
IQAC Meetings 2016-17
IQAC Meetings 2015-16
IQAC Committee Letter 2015-16
(within 1000 words)
Revealing the untold chapters of the Indian Freedom Struggle
The CCS University, Meerut situated in an area where bravery, chivalry is inherent in blood,
stands true to the above couplet when one weighs it in terms of the efforts made continuously
right from its establishment in 1965 to the present day. It is a prestigiousUniversity in India
which has been continuously unfolding the untold chapters of Indian Freedom Struggle right from
“Indian Revolution of 1857" to the “Goa MuktiSangram" (15 August, 1955) covering all the
movements in general and the Gandhian Movements in particular.
Recognition of KrantiDiwas (10th May)
The University commemorates the martyrs of 1857as freedom fighters of
the First War of Independence against British, which was narrated by the British
wrongly as Mutiny. The teachers and students of the University raised their
voices to name May 10, 1857, the day when the revolution broke out from Meerut, as
KrantiDiwas which was being named as ShahidDiwas till then. The voice was
communicated to the Parliament and the Government realized the importance of the nomenclature
which was only signifying a history reported by the British. Since 1989, the University has been
paying homage to the less-known and unknown martyrs of the ‘KrantiDharaa’
through various events, one of them being ‘Paidal March to the Red Fort, during
May 7-11, 2022.
The District Administration in 2002 declared local holiday on 10th May to be celebrated as
On the behest of the University researchers, Member of the Parliament, Shri Rajendra
Aggarwal, attracted attention of the House in 2015 for upgrading the Museum at the
ShaheedSmarak in Meerut. In 2018, release of a financial assistance of an amount of Rs. 3.5
crore was granted to upgrade the “RajkiyaSwatantrataSangrahalaya”, Meerut for “Light &
Sound" show from the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Our University has announced free higher education to eligible students seeking admission to
various degree programmes, belonging to Village Basod, which lost all its men during 1857
Inclusion of Unsung Heroes in Syllabi
The Board of Studies in History has included topics such as “Shri Gandhi Ashram” and “The
Massacres in Meerut during the Quit India Movement”, in 2019 in the syllabi at both UG &
PG levels.
A minor course open for all streams, has been introduced while implementing NEP-2020
entitled “Hastinapur and Kuru Kingdom through the Ages: History, Culture and
Archaeology (3000 BC- 2000 AD)”, in the year 2021.
TheUniversity has included chapters on less known or unknown brave heroes lost in oblivion,
as research projects, so that the students are made aware of the unwritten history of their
own people.In 2021, the Board of Studies in History introducedcourses onthe
"IndianRevolution of 1857" in the syllabi of its Postgraduate curriculum as
well as UG curriculum.
‘Freedom Fighters' Museum’ & Research
The department of History has a ‘Freedom Fighters' Museum’ containing life-sketches,
research literature & material as well as a photo gallery of unknown & less known
freedom fighters. A number of Ph.D. theses have been produced revealing the untold chapters
of national movement.
The local people could get authentic information about local people who had taken arms up
against Colonial British Imperialism, but remained unknown. For example, ShahmalJat, Rao
Kadam Singh, Dhunna Singh, Chaudhary Hardayal Singh, Chaudhary Nain Singh, LalaMatol Chand,
Chaudhary Zabardast Khan, Nawab Chaudhary Ulfat Khan, Walidad Khan and many more were
identified& recognised.
Several sites related to the events of 1857 have been identified and a lot of relevant
material has been collected through a “dense field work” at ground level which has been
incorporated in the book "1857 KaViplava” which wasreleased in the
inaugural session of the National Seminar in the year 2008 on “Regional History
& Historiography of 1857" sponsored by the ICHR, New Delhi.
More than six dozen these, dissertations and books have been produced by the research
scholars and teachers of the University, highlighting the contribution of unsung Heroes.
Organization of seminars/ symposia
An unbroken chain of celebrating NetajiSubhash Chandra Bose Birth Anniversary on 23rd
January each year right from 1989 till present day. The Literary and Cultural Council
celebrates Sardar Patel's Jayanti on 31st October each year, for example Two Day National
Seminar on “Two Millennia of Indian Resistance andUnification” and
“LohPurushSardarVallabh Bhai Patel : VyaktittvaevamKritittva” was organized
on 31st Oct & 1st November 2018. In these events, special focus is given on the
contribution of unsung heroes of Indian freedom struggle, to learn about them and to infuse
nationalism in young minds.
The University organised 34 programmes celebrating 75 years of Independence, under the
‘AzadikaAmritMahotsav’, from March 12, 2021, the ‘Dandi March Day’ to August 18, 2022.
Also, more than three dozen lectures, conferences, seminars & symposia were held during
the last five years exploring, exhibiting and highlighting the role of less-known and unsung
heroes of the region who laid their lives in the freedom struggle of the country.
The University honours the members of the families of lesser -known martyrs of Indian Freedom
Struggle, who belong to the villages of the catchment area of this University on Kranti-Diwas
(May 10), every year. Their stories of valour fill the youth with national pride and patriotism.
The people of this area identify themselves as successors of a warrior clan. To keep alive the
memories of freedom fighters, the young minds of the University are motivated to join Indian
defence & para-military services. For example, Jaat Regiment of Indian Army attracts our
students in large numbers.
Industry Consultancy Cell
Industry Consultancy Policy 2022
Objectives of ICC policy
About ICC policy
University equipment are maintained in departmental facilities managed by different faculty
members. Departmental committees in various departments consider the purchase and recommend the
annual maintenance contracts besides recommendation for purchase of consumables. Faculty member
in charge in each department organises the utilisation and its availability to other departments
and affiliated colleges as per requirement.
There were 1.25 Lac books, 10 thousand reference books, 30 lacs e-books, 294 journals with 40
computers in one computer lab and 2 browsing centres. This year technology was upgraded and new
CD's were added as a resource.
Computer and Technology
Over 100 computers were added to various departments. Campus became Wi-Fi enabled, literacy
training programmes were conducted by the IQAC and library for optimum use of e-resources.
Green initiative
Green initiative started like exhaustive plantation of trees. Replacing traditional bulbs with
tube lights and conserving water resources wherever possible.
Dedicated botanical garden and agriculture field were maintained for research purposes under
auspices of relevant ministries of GOI. Animal house was constructed in this year under the
guidelines of Ministry of Environment and Forest (under CPCSEA guidelines). A medicinal garden
was also added. Concept of Shodh Sansthan was started.
Academic support
The internal assessment system and the interactive programmes were highlights of this year.
Students were stimulated through interaction meetings, group discussions. Projection facility
was added to classes and one ICT hall was used to give an exposure of technology to students.
Masters programmes were facilitated with tour grants. International collaboration with Tokyo
University, Japan continued. Exchange programmes were held. Student seminar in all courses added
to brainstorming and thinking capabilities. Curricula were revised to match current knowledge.
University provided physical facilities such as Railway reservation counter, hostels, Bank and
Post office, on the campus. A health Centre was available in campus. Park and walking track is
A big existing AC auditorium was upgraded to better facilitate meetings. Cleaning of lab and
library is done on regular basis. Maintenance and Repairing of seminar hall, class rooms,
library, computer lab etc. is done as and when needed and sanctioned by university authority.
All hostels have at least one badminton Court.
University equipment are maintained in departmental facilities managed by different faculty
members. Departmental committees in various departments consider the purchase and recommend the
annual maintenance contracts besides recommendation for purchase of consumables. Faculty member
in charge in each department organises the utilisation and its availability to other departments
and affiliated colleges as per requirement.
IT zone for accessing e-resources (e-books, e-journals and web-OPAC), e-resource centre with 50
TFT computers, Bar coded master cards, INFLIBNET/IUC facilities added.
Computer and Technology
Computer, Internet access, training to teachers and students and other programmes for technology
upgradation (Networking, e-Governance etc.)
Green initiative
Eco friendly trash/litter collection and disposal system. Green initiative started like
exhaustive plantation of trees. Replacing traditional bulbs with tube lights and conserving
water resources wherever possible, continued. Enrichment of walking Arena Tapovan continued.
Animal house was registered with CPCSEA, adding a new ethical compliance chapter to research in
New counters were opened in University administrative block for various requirements like fee
submissions and degree collections.
Academic support
While the internal assessment system and the interactive programmes continued this year, many
interaction meetings, group discussions. Projection facility in classes was enriched Masters
programmes were facilitated with tour grants. Student seminar in all courses added to
brainstorming and thinking capabilities. Research students were given merit scholarships.
Proceeding AC/ BOS
Student Projects Reports
Academic Calendar for the Session 2022-23
Academic Calendar for the Session 2021-22
Academic Calendar for the Session 2020-21
Academic Calendar for the Session 2019-20
Academic Calendar for the Session 2018-19
Audited Statement of Income Expenditure
Audited Statement of Income Expenditure
Student's Feedback and Report 2022-23
Feedback Analysis
Feedback Data for Action Taken
Feedback Analysis and Action Taken
Feedback Forms
Student's Feedback Form
Alumni's Feedback Form
Parent's Feedback Form
Employer's Feedback Form
Faculty's Feedback Form
Related to IQAC Webinar on Date Feb 6, 2023 at 12:00 PM